2: Let the first half begin!

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y/n: I will play in the second half and I will watch in the first half.

The game went on and y/n analysed the game, watching Kuroko and his passing skills, still able to pass undetected and Kagami and his forceful stride and a crazy ability to jump and maintain his stamina. Kuroko was struggling to be the best he could be as a shadow.

y/n: Okay I want Tetsu and Kagami on the same team this time.

Aomine: Kagami, did you know that tetsu is a shadow, he needs light and you... you are nothing but a flicker to him, you will never be as bright as me.

y/n: Aomine I would watch your tongue, you're not Testu's light anymore so no need to get jealous.

Aomine: I am not jealous. In fact, I'm disgusted that Tetsu would go to such a weak team, to play with weak players.

y/n: Aomine I want you to sit out of this game, your sportsmanship disgusts me.

Aomine: What, you wanna take me off the court now?

Aomine takes threatening steps towards y/n. Midorima goes to stop him but y/n shakes her head and averts her gaze back to Aomine who is now inches away from her, full of rage.

y/n: I suggest you take a step back and listen to me.

Aomine: Since when were you the boss of me?

y/n: You're pissing me off now.

Aomine: What are you gonna do about it, cry?

Y/n smacks him hard around the face, gets around his back and despite the height difference is able to get him in a headlock.

Y/n: You better shut that mouth of yours. You're not better than everyone here and you're definitely not better than me so stop acting like you're a king and take this seriously.

She releases him from the headlock and turns back to face the group, adjusting her anger. Aomine stomps over to the benches on the opposite side of the court, a towel over his head.

y/n: The next quarter will start now.

Kagami: Kuroko, what was that all about?

Kuroko: Oh it's complicated, I'll tell you later.

She watches again at the two but notices that Kuroko was working more efficiently, more discreetly, more Kuroko-ey. She was right. Kagami was the light he needed, they just needed something else.

Momoi: I think we see the same thing.

y/n: what's that?

Momoi: that Kagamin (her way of calling Kagami) is Tetsu-kun's new light.

y/n: mmhm

Momoi; what does that mean?

y/n; I won't tell you what I'm thinking, that's for them to know, you need to work it out for yourself!

Momoi: Oh I hate it when you do that, come on. I worked this one out by myself. Just tell me if I'm right, please?

y/n: I think everyone sees it, even Aomine, though he won't admit it.

Momoi: Oh I'm sorry about him, I don't believe he would ever hit you though.

y/n: yeah he probably wouldn't but I really needed to hit that arrogant face.

The buzzer goes for half time and the players come over to y/n, Momoi, Riko and the players who didn't play in that match.

Murasakibara: It's half time, I'm going to get a snack.

Midorima: Where's your lucky charm gone? He says to y/n

Y/n: I've still got it! Calm down, where's yours?

Midorima: Right here, like I would ever leave my lucky charm.

y/n: Of course she chuckles, I need a hug.

Midorima: Ugh fine

He acts reluctant when deep down he loves it.

y/n: Actually, can you carry me? I feel a bit tired.

Midorima: Tired? You haven't even played yet!

y/n: I dunno something feels off, maybe it's just me still worked up from earlier.

Midorima; What, when you hit Aomine?

y/n: Oh shut up.

Midorima; Alright, alright, don't slap me, come here.

y/n: Thank you. She says with a kiss

Author-thank you for reading so far, don't forget to vote and comment 🥰 love you guys !  And forgive me if I've made any mistakes 😶🥲

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