James The Manager

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The next morning, it seemed that Goujin had already informed people of what had happened as people occasionally asked if James was okay, though of course, they didn't know who the attacker was.

"Everyone!" Coach Zhao started, "head to the indoor training pitch, we'll need to train hard for our match against Brazil in two days!"

"Where's James?" Haruna asked, "he isn't here yet."

"Don't tell me he's left the training camp." Lakee whispered only so that Coach Zhao could hear.

"Let's just alert Shinjou." Coach Zhao replied in a like-mannered tone, "he's somewhere in Kazani, Haruna, could you go see where he is? Scoglio will accompany you."

"Okay." Haruna nodded.


James went to the centre of Kazani, fully aware that he shouldn't be here by himself, but he hated the idea of someone having to hold his hand everywhere he went and not having the freedom to do something by himself, even if Luke warned him against it. 

He went to the shopping centre and just sat down on a bench, thinking of whatever came to his mind, with his eyes closed. 

He felt two people sit next to him, one on each side, James opened his eyes, alerted and the person on his left put their arm around him, their hand on his chest, right above his racing heart, they were wearing a black hoodie, James looked at them and was shocked to see the same woman from yesterday, his mum. He looked to his right and was perhaps even more shocked to see Emma, who also put her arm around James.

"Get off m-"

"Shhhh," Emma whispered, "if you try to get out of our reach, scream or get the attention of anyone, then my pawn will burn you right here."

"Don't call her that." James shot, "plus, even if you do that, they can review the incident on CCTV."

"Let's not forget that Orion is very..... persuasive." Emma smirked, "and even if that does happen, who will get punished? Me or your dear mum?"

"So you're just stalking me now, wherever I go you have to be there as well?"

"Sometimes, you don't know that I've been following you to all sorts of places, when you went to go see the American team and when you met up with Alex and Thierry. As well as when you went to the hospital."

"So what's your purpose for following me then?"

"To wait for the perfect moment to strike. You're better off dead than not joining Orion is what my mindset is normally, but I want to torment you for the rest of your life and die knowing I've caused you pain."

"Wow, that's deep, so you do work for Orion?"


"And you have 2 powers I hear?"

"No. I'm not lying when I say that."

"And you think I'll trust you on that?"

"Who knows if I have more than 2."

"How come your 'pawn' isn't talking?"

"She only talks when asked for input from me."

Her sleeve started to fall and James noticed bandages on her arm, which brought him to a point, "Don't you realise that she'll fall apart if you carry on forcing her to use her fire?"

"Do you think I'm dumb?" Emma spat, "of course I know that."

"So why are you doing it?"

"I couldn't care less about what happens to her, I'm just using her to cause you even more pain."

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