Ichihoshi Is Finally Accepted

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The next day, for breakfast, Coach Zhao wanted to recommend something, "Make sure to try my own fried rice!"

"No, don't it's really bad!" His assistant shouted, but Coach Zhao told everyone not to listen to him, Nosaka then put a mountain of it on a plate.

"Are you going to finish that Nosaka?" Nishikage asked.

"Of course not, you're going to finish that," he smiled as he handed the plate to Nishikage and went to get food for himself.

"Hey, Ichihoshi isn't here again." James commented.

"Nothing unusual then." Haizaki and Hiroto chorused.

Meanwhile, Ichihoshi was in the forest, having an online conference with a woman that works for Orion, though her camera wasn't on, "A famous American doctor has room in his timetable to perform surgery on your brother, but for this to happen, you need to eliminate Japan from the FFI tournament. Next to you is a red button, you will press it when you are on the bus to go to the match and when you are turning a corner, the button is connected to a device in the tires of the bus."

"You want to go that far?" Ichihoshi asked.

"It won't be bad enough to cause casualties, but perhaps some will have no hope of recovery." She laughed.


"Are you okay, Luke?" James asked.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous for the game," he smiled.

"If you even start," Fudou mumbled.

"You look really nervous too, Ichihoshi, are you okay?" Asuto asked.

"Leave me alone." He responded.


The bus turned a curve and Luke instantly tried to see where Haizaki was so he stood up, but nothing happened so he sat back down. The bus turned another curve and Luke stood up again, Ichihoshi, who was sat in front of them and behind Asuto & Goujin, dropped the button.

"What's wrong Luke?" James asked, "something isn't right."

"Huh, what's that?" Goujin asked, he undid his seatbelt and accidentally stepped on the button. 

"What the hell!" Haizaki exclaimed, he took out his earphones.

"What is it?" Hiroto asked.

"The volume suddenly went up," Haizaki answered, he put his earphones back in. Good, so it worked, Luke thought.

"Maybe you pressed the volume button by mistake?" Hiroto said.

"I don't think so..." Haizaki responded. Ichihoshi picked the device up and pressed the button again, "Is someone playing a prank on me!?" Haizaki shouted, standing up as the team laughed.

"Why doesn't it work?" Ichihoshi muttered, but he felt semi-relieved.


When they got to the stadium, the team went inside, while Ichihoshi was talking to now Chairman Girikanan.

"What's the meaning of this, Ichihoshi, why hasn't it been done?" He asked.

"I did, but when I pressed the button, Haizaki's music went up and that's it!" Ichihoshi said.

"What a disgraceful excuse. Make sure Japan lose this match then. And remember, your brother's life is at stake."

"I'll do it! I'll do whatever it takes for Japan to lose!" 

(Match Time)

Japan (3-5-2): Endou, Fubuki, Kazemaru, Sakanoue, James, Ichihoshi, Asuto, Nosaka, Luke, Haizaki, Hiroto.

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