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During last lesson, James noticed that a girl kept looking in his direction. James was in the same class as Martin and Aaron for most lessons, Alex and Ben were in the lower sets (dumber classes) while Luke and Kayo were in the year below but in top set. After the lesson was over, James walked over to the girl who kept looking at him, she had long brown hair with blue eyes and she was talking to her friends, they were very popular. James approached them and her friends started giggling and looking in his direction. "Amelia Rose? Do you mind if I speak to you?" James asked, the girl followed him as James stepped away from her friends so they couldn't hear. "Excuse me for asking, but why were you staring at me? Did I do anything to annoy you?" James asked in a soft tone.

"I know you already have one, but do you mind if I become a manager for the football team?" 

"Oh, sure, the more the merrier! I'll wait for you outside the clubroom door, so I can introduce you to everyone." The girl went back to her friends to tell them that they can walk home without her but when she went to them, they started asking her if James asked her out, though she said no and told them what happened. When she came to the clubroom, James went inside with her and formally introduced her to the team and they welcomed her with open arms. (Her name has no affiliation with Arsenal btw). "I know it's only been two games in for us, but these are the standings for the top 4 teams," Luke started, "First: Lunar Prime with 6 points, Second: us with 4 points, Third: Farm Jr with 3 points and Fourth: Surge with 3 points."

"Remember, only the top two teams can advance, and the three teams mentioned other than us are the teams we need to look out for." James added

"Our last 4 games are as follows: Shuriken Jr, Wild Jr, Farm Jr and finally, Lunar Prime." Michelle informed them

"All tough games, if we don't give our all, we will lose, especially against the last two teams." James said, "also, I've got the keycards for the training centre ready for everyone here, including the managers, though Amelia, you'll have to wait for yours, but today, I've got a training program that focuses on your weaknesses, and you'll be in the training centre for 2 hours. Be ready to come out battered and bruised." And with that, everyone excluding the managers went to the training centre to train. Meanwhile Michelle and Amelia got snacks and drinks ready for the team.

"I've never seen you at school before, I've only heard about you, what's your name?" Amelia asked

"Michelle Rteta, I only joined this year." Michelle answered

"Oh, cool, I heard that you and Luke have been hanging out a lot, are you dating?" Amelia asked

"No, believe me when I say this, I don't have a crush on him, I just ask him about the team, and I believe he feels the same way" Michelle answered. 2 hours had gone and the team trudged back to the clubroom. "I think we should all take a shower first, I requested the school to add your own personal rooms in the clubroom, which they did and it is equipped with a shower, just go through the door at the back, find your rooms and use your keycards to unlock your room." James instructed. After the team had a shower, they went back to the main area of the clubroom, where they had rice balls, apple slices and orange juice. "Huh, where's Michelle?" Kayo noticed

"She said that she had to go speak to someone just outside the school," Amelia answered.

"Ask her if she wants some, or if we can just finish everything." Alex said.

"Sure," Amelia responded. She left the room and was heading towards the gate, she saw her talking to someone with red hair, who had someone with grey hair behind him so she hid behind a tree. Was that, Heath and Duske? What would they be talking about? She thought, she edged closer to hear their conversation.

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