Finally Meeting?

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The train stopped and James exited the train, he headed towards the tower where Mark used to always train at, when he got there, he sat down on a bench, staring at the sky and at the same time reflecting on what had been happening recently. 

"What's going on?" Mark and Jude asked as they sat down next to him.

"Thanks for coming at such a short notice," James smiled weakly, he then told them everything that has been going on recently, "so how do I deal with the guilt, the fact that I killed my own dad?" There was silence for a while as the other two didn't know how to respond or where to start.

"Well, you can't go back in time and as negative as that is, what's to say that your life would be better if that didn't happen?" Jude responded.

"Yeah," Mark agreed, "it's not your fault, you were only a toddler, when things start to get tough for me, I just do things that calm me down or relax me. Like playing football!"

"Come on, let's do something to lift the atmosphere." Jude smiled.

"Wait, do you really have powers?" Mark asked, tilting his head to one side.

"Yeah, let me show you," James answered. He put his hand out as his outline became blue and blue ripples started forming around his hand, there was a rock on the floor, it's outline also became blue as it slowly rose up from the ground and fell back to the ground when James stopped. "Wow!" Mark exclaimed.

"I would appreciate it if you kept it between you two, I wasn't even meant to tell anyone."

"We're the only ones who've told?" Mark asked.

"Not quite, I have an old friend in England, I tell him everything. And Luke knows everything too."

 They went to go see a movie before eating at an expensive (but good) restaurant, which Jude paid for. Eventually, James decided to start going back when it started getting dark. "If you need anything, just say, we're here for you." Jude smiled.

"Yeah, we'll even go to you in Kyoto if you want!" Mark added. 


Emma and Joshua were driving back home in their car, there was silence for a good while until it was broken by a nervous Joshua.

"Wh-what are we going to do now?" Joshua asked, "he knows that we don't have his best interests as a priority, and Luke knows we're dodgy as well now."

"Fool!" Emma snapped, "you did a blood test when we first found him after they won the Football Frontier and you saw that he had telekinesis and photographic memory so why didn't you tell me about the latter?"


"There's no need for your excuses." Emma interrupted, "I have already prepared the next stage of our plan, we just need to be faster than he is."


"Now that he's remembered his real mother, what do you think he'll do?"


"For goodness sake, I know you're a fake doctor, but seriously?" Emma sighed, "he's going to try and find his mother. And the way I've seen that detective scurrying around Inazuma Town recently gives me the impression he's onto something, so we need to act quickly. We'll get there before him and we'll kidnap her."

"When are we going?"

"As soon as I have her location."


(2 Weeks Later)

 "It's been two weeks and our captain hasn't been at training, could I be so inclined to ask why?" Aaron asked.

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