End of Match vs Navy Invaders

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When Aphrodi next had the ball, him and Hiroto started passing it between themselves while going in a circle, creating a cylinder shaped whirlwind, Iwato jumped inside it as the wind dissipated and then he stomped, standing upright, Aphrodi and Hiroto then started to float, 6 America players tried to use the wire to take the ball, but it snapped when it went near Iwato, the ball went to Iwato and was floating infront of him, it then went to the ground and Iwato kicked it to Aphrodi as him and Hiroto passed it between them and circling, forming the whirlwind again, Iwato then joined them in the air and they kicked the ball, shouting "GGG Senjou no Aria!" The shot went in, making it 3-2 to Japan.

"We can't allow anymore goals!" Bahart shouted, "shift int-"

"Stop right there." Mack Scride said sternly, appearing by his side with Dylan, Mark, Ichinose and Domon.

"Go away. I'm in the middle of battle." Bahart retorted.

"The only one going away will be you, Bahart Descom," Mack Scride shot, "I was removed from my position as coach for spending the team's budget for personal use, so I went to the American Federation myself and they were unaware of such suspicions against me."

"You used a fake report to send Coach away." Domon stated.

"The US Federation is aware of this crime and will be investigating you." Ichinose added as men in blue clothes grabbed Bahart Descom.

"What are you fools doing!?" Bahart shouted at his team, "as my soldiers, you should be protecting me, your commanding officer!" But his team just stared as they took him away.

Mack Scride made 3 changes, with Ichinose, Domon and Mark being subbed in, Dylan was on crutches and still a bit injured so he was unable to play. When America had kickoff, Ichinose passed it to one of the Navy Invaders, but they all stopped moving.

"What's going on?" Haizaki asked.

"Their 'commanding officer' is gone so they don't know what to do." James realised.

"They might be excellent soldiers but they aren't excellent football players," Nosaka added. 

Japan took advantage of the moment and took the ball. Haizaki used "Shark The Deep" and the goalkeeper just stood there, unsure of what to do, luckily for them, Ichinose, Domon and Mark went onto the line and all blocked it.

"Listen up, Orion players!" Ichinose shouted, "try and destroy me in this match! I am personally revolting against Orion, if you can't beat me then I will destroy your football careers. If you want to destroy me, do it with this football!" He passed to the snake guy who looked enraged.

"The Navy Invaders will now commence their new mission of obliterating Ichinose Kazuya!" He shouted, they started shooting the ball at Ichinose, who used them as passes to advance up the field. Eventually, Ichinose, Mark and Domon were able to unite them as a team and they gave up on their evil ways and began playing for real. Ichinose, Mark and Domon then used "The Phoenix" which levelled the score at 3-3.

The game continued and both sides were giving their all, there were 5 minutes left and Tatsuya intercepted a pass, he passed it to James who dribbled past someone and passed to Aphrodi but Ichinose intercepted the pass and used "The Phoenix" again but this time, Endou stopped it with "Diamond Hand". Japan countered which resulted in Aphrodi, Hiroto and Iwato using "GGG Senjou no Aria", this was countered with "The Phoenix" and the ball dropped to the ground, Aphrodi reacted the quickest and straight away got the loose ball and used "God Knows Impact", their goalkeeper used "Military Satellite Phobos" and was struggling, he stopped the ball, but everyone saw that the ball was already over the line, so it was a goal and the whistle blew, winning the game for Japan at 4-3. All the players shook hands, with the Navy Invaders giving back America's team to Star Unicorn players.

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