Fauxshore and Everytown

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"Let's win this!" James cheered as Graith and Fauxshore both made their way to the pitch, he glanced up and saw Jude, Axel and Nathan sitting together. Regardless, the match started with Fauxshore's kickoff and they were passing the ball around well. "Let's try out our new tactic!" James shouted. Fauxshore's midfielder had the ball and he was surrounded by 5 Graith players, and they now appeared to be on an ocean, Martin used "Ring of Fire", but directed the rings just above the water, and James used "Flash Steal", with Martin trying to make the flames as hot as possible, and James trying to radiate as much light, and consequently, heat as possible, the 5 players started running in a circle around the player as wind starting forming around the player, getting higher and higher until he was surrounded by a hurricane. "Pass it!" Their captain yelled, the player kicked it, but it went straight into the hurricane, Alex started running towards their goal and the players surrounding Fauxshore's player stopped running, and the hurricane dissipated, "Hurricane Press", Luke jumped up towards the ball and kicked it to Alex who used "Snowball" but their goalkeeper, Darren, just stopped it with "God Hand". It seems to be as strong as Mark's one, but if this is all he can do, then that's not an issue, James thought. Darren threw it to their midfielder, he, along with another player used "Three Legged Rush" to get past James, but Tori got the ball back with "The Tower", she passed to Luke who dribbled past one of their players, he passed it to Kayo who used "The King" to make it 1-0. "This will be easy." Thierry smiled from the bench. Fauxshore got the game started again, they knew they weren't favourites to win but they still tried their best. Luke eventually got the ball off them and he used "Orca Splash" (I changed the name because I think this is better) with James, but it lost power before it reached the goal, making an easy save for Darren. "What are we doing wrong?" James asked rhetorically. Oh, I see! My timing isn't right and I'm not syncing my breathing with his, he realised. Graith continued to dominate the game, Alex scored with "Avalanche Slope" to make it 2-0 just before half-time. "Your timing and breathing is wrong." Luke said bluntly to James.

"Yeah, I realised, but I'm not playing the 2nd half, Thierry you'll be playing, but as a CAM, is that okay?" 

"Sure," he grinned.

"Why don't you want to perfect your move?" Alex asked.

"I don't want to be cocky, but we're going to win this game. So I don't want Everytown to know that we've perfected that move, it could be our ace next game." James responded, the game continued and Graith ended the game with a 4-0 win. They shook hands after the match and then Graith players made their way to their own personal rooms inside the clubroom and took a shower. "Next is the quarterfinals!" James cheered once everyone was in the clubroom, "if we get past Everytown, we go through to the semifinal against Raimon." 

"How about we have a party tomorrow?" James asked, "as a way to say well done, especially considering the state of the club when me and Luke joined?" Everyone agreed, so James planned to go get the food, snacks, drinks and whatnot with Amelia tagging along too. They went to Kyoto's shopping centre and were looking for things to get, but they ended up also going clothes shopping too. Amelia was trying out a lot of clothes and she was asking James if they suited her.

"Why are you asking me if they suit you, just get it if you like it." James sighed, "we look like we're dating and it's embarrassing."

"Well we both know that we're not and it doesn't hurt to help a friend choose nice clothes, does it?". How did I get dragged into this? James thought, let's hope nobody sees me. Just as he thought that, Jude walked past the shop's window. Damn it! Just my luck. 

"How about this?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah, yeah, try this as well," James said, in truth it did suit her, but he just wanted her out of sight incase Jude came in, which he did. "Oh, I didn't you would be here, I went to your school, but nobody was there," Jude said, now facing him, "anyway, what are you doing here?"

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