Japan vs Russia

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"As I said before, Aaron will be in goal. Sakanoue, Kazemaru and Tatsuya will be in the defence. Saginuma, Ichihoshi and Hiura will be CM along with James. Nosaka will be CAM and Atsuya and Kozoumaru will lead us in attack." Coach Zhao told everyone.

"What about captain?" Endou asked.

"Hm, good question," Coach Zhao started, "captaining us today will be...... Nosaka!"

Nosaka won the coin toss, so Japan started with the ball, Atsuya passed back to Nosaka, who gave it to James, Russia's No. 11, Yuri, came to steal the ball with a sliding tackle, but James jumped over him and continued dribbling forward. 

He passed to Hiura who passed to Saginuma, but he lost the ball. Froy now had the ball, he dribbled past Nosaka before avoiding a sliding tackle from Sakanoue and was now one-on-one with Aaron.

"Come on Aaron! Give it all you've got, I'm counting on you!" Endou shouted. Froy used "Innocent Drive" and Aaron used "Storm Surge" but it wasn't enough as Froy scored, making it 1-0 to Russia.

"Kinda finding it hard to believe, you know, what you said," Haizaki sighed.

"Don't worry, just have faith in him," Endou smiled.

Play had restarted and Nosaka had the ball and used "Sky Walk" to get past an oncoming player, he passed to Ichihoshi who avoided Froy and Yuri by passing to James, he passed to Atsuya, but a defender slid in and the ball went to their goalkeeper. 

Russia attacked again and Froy had a chance to shoot, he took it, using "Innocent Drive". Aaron summoned again the grey clouds in front of the goal, he then moved his hands together and the clouds combined to form a huge cloud, letting out way more rain the the separate clouds did put together, "Torrential Storm Surge" and stopped Froy's shot.

He kicked the ball out of his hands to Atsuya, but Yuri took the ball off him and passed to one of their forwards. Kazemaru took it off them with "Spinning Fence", he passed to Kozoumaru who played a one-two pass with Atsuya to get past two defenders, but Froy tackled him. James used "Dispersion Attack" to try and get the ball of him.

"I've already analysed this move." Froy smirked as he jumped over the red beam.

"I don't think so," James responded as the orange and yellow beam crashed into Froy, knocking him away from the ball. James took it and gave it back to Kozoumaru, but Froy wasn't done he took the ball and James was about to run after him.

"No! Leave it to me." Kozoumaru told him, "Switch On." As soon as he said that, his hair changed and he had a blue aura, he took the ball off Froy and used "Over Cyclone" the goalkeeper used"Take a Pinch" but Japan took a goal, making it 1-1.

"Is it just me or does that remind me of Last Resort?" James asked.

"No, no, it's not just you," Nosaka agreed.

Russia got the game going again, Ichihoshi was battling Froy for the ball, he got the ball and used "Blue Stardust" to get past him, he passed to Hiura who used "Ice Javelin", but this was easily stopped by "Take a Pinch". The goalkeeper kicked it to Yuri who linked up well with Froy to get past a few players. Froy made a run and Yuri passed it to him, as soon as he got the ball, he used "Innocent Drive" but Aaron stopped it with "Torrential Storm Surge".

"Ha! That move isn't getting past me." Aaron smirked.

He kicked it in the air and James headed it to Nosaka, but the pass was intercepted by Froy, he dribbled past Saginuma and was running alongside Yuri, "Let's use our hissatsu tactics."

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