Bonus chapter

460 21 36

Minerva had indeed outdone herself this year, she'd booked the little classy restaurant that had a years long waiting list, luckily for them a cancellation was the reason they were all sat around the large table chatting and drinking their choice of alcoholic drinks whilst they ate their food. It had been a rather successful, and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, all sticking to the dress code Minerva had recommended...Well nearly all of them, Dumbledore of course had to be Dumbledore and decided to wear a obscenely bright yellow and red robe that could be seen from the moon.

Bellatrix didn't really interact much with her colleagues, she was far more focused on the waiter who seemed far to interested in Minerva's story about one of the pranks her student had pulled. He was a waiter, he had no business getting involved in the conversation, it's not as if they knew him or anything. Not to mention he looked at her far to much for far too long. Bellatrix took a deep inhale and glanced up at the large candle lit chandelier hoping to distract herself, only that just gave her mental images of it falling on top of the guy and burning him alive.

She closes her eyes for a moment, pushing that intrusive though highly tempting thought out of her mind. She promised to be on her best behaviour, so killing the guy was not an option.
Besides Minerva's allowed to talk to whom ever she wants, she's a grown woman. She can take care of herself. Bella opens her eyes and glances at the witch beside her as she continued to talk, a smile graced the dark witch's lips however it quickly faded when she noticed the eyes of a certain person looking at Minerva's chest.
"You, I'd like a whiskey neat, make it a double." Bella said causing everyone to stop and look at her. Minerva arches her brow and Bellatrix gave her best smile she could manage at the moment."Please." She adds, her eye twitched as she continued to smile, putting the man on edge slightly as he nodded and went to get the drink after asking if anyone else wanted one.

Everyone returned to their previous conversation. "That was rude." Minerva whispers, dabbing the corner of her mouth with a napkin.
"He's a waiter, he gets paid to wait not hover around the table and listen to our conversation." Minerva was about to respond to that but the man in question returned with the drink and a polite smile on his face.
"Your drink madam." He places the drink on the table.
"Thank you." Bella smiles gritting her teeth, As he nods politely, then glances at Minerva and offers her a smile before leaving.
Bella sipped at her drink contemplating hexing his sorry arse as he walked away.  The conversation began flowing once more, Bella's attention however fell on Severus as he arches a brow at her in typical Snape like fashion, before intruding her mind.

"Jealousy Bella? Really...tsk tsk tsk" Snape shoo ever echoed in her mind, damned man and his abilities.
"Do me a favour a piss off!" She shot back, sending a glare his way.
"Always so polite, must say you are handling it quite well. The Bellatrix I know certainly wouldn't have been this calm." Across the table he rachea for his drink, keeping eye contact with his long time friend.
"As I said best behaviour, doesn't stop me from thinking of ways to kill him though."
"Oh I know, I saw."

Bellatrix smirks at that, noting the slight waver in his voice at the disturbing images she began conjuring, the man quickly left and averted his eyes to the woman beside him. Poppy.
"So you and Poppy, how's that going?"  The man smiled at Poppy as she began engaging him in conversation, trying to ignore the woman who now intruded his mind.
"Do me a favour and piss off." The man used her earlier words against her, and she grinned lowering her head not for everyone to see.
Her laughter filled his mind before she said touché and left the man with his conversations with Poppy.

A hand to her thigh caught Bella's full attention as she snapped her attention to the only possible woman who'd dare touch her.
"You're rather quiet tonight, despite that small outburst of rudeness you had displayed earlier...are you okay?"
Bellatrix didn't respond to Minerva's question, not verbally anyway, instead she reached for the woman's hand and squeezed it. The next thing Minerva knew a warm fuzzy feeling took over her body, butterflies began dancing in her stomach and heat began moving to her cheeks as the marvellous sensation only grew. Minerva should have known the woman beside her would pull some stunt, not that this...whatever it was the woman's doing was a nasty feeling, oh no it was quite the opposite.

The feeling however began to disappear as the waiter made his way back over to the table, the warmth had gone and a terrible chill took over her body, Belltrix withdrew her hand from Minerva's before the woman felt too much. She didn't need to feel what currently possessed Bella's body when this man approached, Minerva deserved none of that, she only needed to feel the love and happiness that she herself brings to Bella with a simple glance.
Minerva frowns, confused at Bella's actions. The woman was usually all over her, this behaviour was certainly not like her Bellatrix.

Minerva was about to address Bella's behaviour when the waiter placed a bottle on the table, catching everyone's attention. It was an expensive wine, that much Minerva knew, the type she catch Bellatrix drinking on the odd occasion, but she definitely knew Bellatrix hadn't ordered this tonight and it certainly wasn't any of her colleagues.
"I don't think we ordered wine." Minerva smiles politely at the waiter.
"It's on me." He smiles with a certain twinkle in his eye at the transfiguration professor.
Bellatrix snorts, catching everyone's attention.
"That's very kind of you but we couldn't accept that..." he didn't let Minerva finish before he started speaking again.
"It's too late, I'm afraid I've already covered the cost, and I myself don't drink wine."
"Of course we'll have it boy, come on Minerva the lad wants us to have it." Albus reaches for the wine and examines it.
"Not bad, bit on the expensive side though lad." 
Minerva didn't quite know what to say as all eyes were on her and the waiter, well all eyes except Bella's.

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