Chapter 46

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"Made you smile didn't it?" The taller woman brushed her nose against Minerva's, gracing her with a warm smile.
"It did...still bad though."

Minerva's mind was set at ease for the time being, though certain thoughts did appear here and there but Bellatrix managed to push them away just as she always did.
"Have I told you that I love you today?" Bella whispers.
"Just a few minutes ago I believe."
"Well I'll say it again just to remind you..." she plants a small kiss on Minerva's lips.

"I love you, and only you." Bella cups Minerva's face with both her hands.
"You hold my heart in your hands.
You are my reason to live and My reason to die." She plants a soft kiss on Minerva's forehead.
"You and you alone have power over me, I am but a slave at your feet." Two kisses for each of Minerva's cheeks.
"My love for you is something that could never die, it will only grow stronger with each passing day." She adds before placing a kiss on Minerva's nose.

The woman blushes as a soft smile graces her lips.
"You're so sweet Bella, I'm lucky to have you."
"Ah but my sweet turtle dove it is I, who is the lucky one. I found an angel in the darkness who fought beside me against my demons and stole my heart in the proses."
"You just happen to know all the right words to say." Minerva smiles fiddling with Bella's corset.
"You just happen to be the key to my beating heart." The taller woman plants a kiss on Minerva's lips, running her hands along her bare back.

"You know, I don't think it's very fair, you in all that and barely anything..." Minerva whispers slowly tugging at the ribbon holding the corset together. She looks up to Bellatrix who remains silent though her eyes tell Minerva everything she needed to know.
The shorter woman began loosening Bella's long sleeved corset, tugging at the ribbon before finally it fell to the floor. Porcelain skin instantly caught Minerva's attention, the shorter woman's eyes roamed the exposed skin though daren't touch.

"I won't bite..." Bella smirks
"Liar, I have proof." Minerva smiles, slowly bringing her hand to touch Bella's skin.
It was always so soft, exactly like a porcelain doll, except Bellatrix won't break like the doll. Minerva moved her hands to the waist band of Bellatrix's long skirt and carefully pushed the fabric down over her hips then left it drop to the floor, gasping at the sight before her.
"You're not wearing...anything..." Minerva's eyes instantly met the smirking face of Bella's.
"Now that's not true, I'm wearing my heeled boots."

Bella unlaced her boots then slipped out of them, returning to a smiling Minerva.
Bella grins as she pulls the woman into her embrace, skin to skin contact bringing comfort to them both.
"And I'm still taller than your short arse." Bella grins earning a nudge from Minerva.
"I'm not short, you're just obscenely tall."
"Shorty." Bella smirks rubbing her nose against Minerva's, missing the wicked twinkle in her eye.

One swift move and Bella was in the pool, hitting the water with a splash.
Minerva smirks as the woman's head pops up above the water.
"That was dirty Minerva Mcgonagall." Bella frowns, eyes focused on the woman as she nears the edge.
"Is it cold?"
"Why don't you get in and find out." Bella arches her brow.
Minerva folds her arms, dipping her foot in the water.
"It's actually not that cold." Minerva looks to Bella who had an evil little smirk upon her face.

Minerva frowns, then before she knew it she was in the water. A shriek left the woman as she bobbed her head out of the water, wiping the running water from her face.
Bellatrix chuckles as she pulls the woman into her grasp.
"That was unnecessary!" Minerva frowns, hitting the woman's shoulder.
"Oh but it was definitely necessary my love, you were dangling that perfectly scrumptious body in front of me." Bella backs up further into the little pool, pulling Minerva along with her until she felt the big stone beneath the water that acted like a seat.

She pulled Minerva onto her lap,
"There, now isn't this nice." Bella smiles nudging her head into Minerva's neck.
Minerva's smiles, enjoying the attention.
Bella's one hand began caressing Minerva's knee, lightly running her fingers against Minerva's skin. That was until Minerva put a stop to it.

Bella furrows her brows as Minerva untangles Bella's  other arms from around her waist.
"Don't look so upset kitten." Minerva smiles, adjusting her position on the taller woman's lap. Minerva had one leg either side of Bella, straddling her. Bella grins looking up at the woman, loving the more confident side of Minerva.
Bella's hands rested on Minerva's hips, that was before Minerva's hands carefully dragged them up her body and placed them on her breasts. Not once did Minerva look away from Bella's roaming eyes. Bella squeezed the flesh in her hands causing Minerva to whimper as the nails dug at her skin. The shorter woman arches her back at Bella's touch, pushing herself closer to the darker witch. Bella growls at the breasts inches away from her face and found herself latching onto the nearest one, her teeth threatening to brake the skin.
"I knew you'd bite..."Minerva whispers, her hands finding their way to messy raven curls.

The growls from Bella sent vibrations all over her skin, and the little nips to her sensitive bosoms earned some whimpers from Minerva, despite her attempt in remaining silent.
Bellatrix however was all for making Minerva anything but silent.

Guess who's back 😁

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