Chapter 58

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"Yes. You see what I have become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can. Something, that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket!"
Harry swallows as the man's beady eyes bore into him, he panicked and did the only thing that sprung to mind.


"Stop him!"
Quirrell snaps his fingers and fire erupts all around the room. Harry gulps, wide eyed he examined the room, he was stuck, the flames continued getting higher and higher, there was no way out.
"Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?!" The head gave a grin that made Harry's skin crawl.
The boy shook his head furiously.
"Never!" Harry said, not backing down as the man slowly approached him.

"Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back." Harry glances at the mirror and saw the faces of his parents. His heart began pounding in his chest at the sight of them.
"All I ask for is something in return." The man watches as Harry takes the stone from his pocket.
"That's it, Harry. There is no good and evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!" Harry glances down at the stone then back at the mirror to see nothing but his lonely reflection in the mirror.
"You liar!" Harry yells, tears threatening to fall as his parents and their death came to mind.

"Kill him!"
Quirrell soars into the air and smashes into Harry, one hand on Harrys throat, trying to strangle the boy as they fall to the floor. With the impact Harry drops the stone and it rolls out of the boys reach as Quirrell continues to choke him. Harry strains and squeaks when out of nowhere a large black panther appears knocking Quirrell off of Harry, the boy swallows wide eyed at the feline that stood between him and Quirrell.
"Over my dead body." The feline growls, sharp white teeth visible as she guards the boy.
Harry frowns, he knew that voice, and that panther, but why did he know it?

"You again!" The man snaps as the feline rears, getting up on her hind legs and growling, the feline claws the air, missing the man by mere centimetres as her large eagle like claws came out to play. Harry glanced at the feline before him that clearly had the man preoccupied and saw this as the opportune moment to try and grab the stone that lay a few inches away.

The boy scrambles to get the stone, drawing the attention of the man with Voldemort on the back of his head.
"Fool! Get the stone!" Voldemort hisses as the man try's to out smart the panther and jumps for the boy. Very stupid move on his part as the panther tackled him to the ground.
Harry was mesmerised as the panther opened its mouth wide as the man yelled and wriggled beneath her. The feline bore her teeth, growling dangerously low as she made eye contact with the man.
"Do something!" Voldemort hisses, trying to stop his face from being pushed into the ground.
Harry watched on in fear and confusion, he had no idea where this cat came from, how it managed to lunge through the blaring fire and why it appeared to be protecting him, then something popped to mind.
"Trixie?" The boy calls out and the feline glances in his direction.
"It is you!"
"Not a word of this to anyone." She warns before turning back to the man beneath her, she whispers something inaudible before the man yells again as he began slowly crumbling into black ash. Harry watches on in both amazement and fear at what he'd just witnessed before him, little did he know he was the reason she was able to do that.

The feline steps back, watching the ash as though she was waiting for something. Harry was about te speak when the same ash starts forming a type of cloud that instantly heads in his direction, Harry stood wide eyes as it came closer.
"Don't worry pup, it can't hurt you." The feline said just as the cloud charges through Harry.
Harry glances at the feline as she approached him, her form suddenly becoming blurry.

"Harry?" The feline closed the gap between them, concern lacing her voice.
The boy falls to the floor unconscious.

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