Chapter 26

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"To be born in those magnificent blue eyes, to run down your soft cheek, then to die on your lips." Bella's eyes shift to look at Minerva.
"If I were to die, I'd want your lips to be the last thing I taste, the last thing I feel, and your face the last thing I see."

Minerva was taken back by the words that left Bellatrix's lips, she was talking about dying
"You're not going to die!" Minerva frowns, just the thought of that made Minerva both angry and upset, she didn't like it, she didn't like Bellatrix talking about her own death.
"Let's go before they wonder where we are."
Minerva steps back, about to leave. "Might want to change first love, you are wearing yesterdays clothes." Bellatrix grins pulling Minerva back into her arms. She nudges her head into the crook of Minerva's neck. " I could help you with that." Bellatrix whispers, her hands slowly moving over the woman's back, up towards the zip. "If you were to help me, I guarantee Severus will be eating alone at dinner." Minerva quirks her brow, pushing the woman away slightly. "On second thoughts, I'm pretty sure Severus could manage another day without our company, after all he does have Albus." Bellatrix pulls the woman closer once more, undoing Minerva's zip. "Thank you for your assistance Bella, now go change before our presence in the great hall is missed. " Minerva grins, stopping Bellatrix from doing anything else.

"Just one thing before I go love."
"What?" Minerva tilts her head to the side slightly, looking up at a grinning Bellatrix as she grabs the woman, crushing her own lips against the woman's again.
Bellatrix's hands moved to the woman's hips, pulling her as close as possible.
Minerva places her hands on the woman's chest.
"Steady on Bella, I cant breath." Minerva chuckles, her lips still lingering against Bella's.
"I know how you feel."


The hall though mostly empty still consisted of laughter and chitter chatter. Some of the staff, like the children had gone home for the holidays, only a handful stayed, Dumbldore being one of them. Along with Severus, Minerva, Bellatrix, Rolanda, Quirinus and a few others. Bellatrix took her usual seat between Minerva and Severus, Rolanda coming to join the three, taking a seat beside Minerva. The four happily chatted and ate their food, Bellatrix running her hand along Minerva's leg every now and then causing the woman to fidget. No one really noticed Minerva fidgeting though, too engrossed with their food and chatter, apart from Bellatrix who made a point to look at the woman every now and then, grinning as she did so.

Harry twirled his food around his plate, his mind on his cloak, with Ron constantly beside him, he hadn't had chance to actually use it yet, maybe he'd have a go tonight, maybes he could look for that book Hermione told them about. Harry mused at the thought in his head, he looked to his friend who continued to stuff his face with what ever he could get his hands on. Harry couldn't help but smile, the boy could definitely eat.


Later that night, Harry waited until Ron was asleep before sneaking out. He walks through the dark library and into the Restricted Section under the protection of his invisibility cloak. Harry places the lamp on one of the desks near him, he removes his cloak then began his search.
"Famous fire eaters...15th Century Fiends...Flamel...Nicholas Flamel...where are you?" Harry mutters looking through the books, he picks one up and opens it, A man's face appears.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" The man screams startling Harry who slams the book shut instantly putting it back where he found it.
"Who's there?!" Came the voice of filch, Harry whips around, grabbing his cloak, accidentally knocking the lamp over, the minute it hits the floor it shatters into a thousand tiny pieces.
"I know you're in there. You can't hide." his voice travels to a frightened Harry, now was not the time to get caught, especially by him. Harry quickly puts on his cloak and creeps around Filch.
"Who is it? Show yourself!" Harry runs from the room, breathing heavily, he manages to escape into the hall, where Mrs. Norris awaits. The cat meows and begins following him, Harry notices and began picking up the pace, he runs around a corner, just as Bellatrix and Quirrell appear. Bella pushes Quirrell into the wall.

"Bellatrix...I-I thought..."
"Listen hear boyo, You don't want me as your enemy." She adds pressure around his neck.
"W-what do you m-mean?"
"You know perfectly well what I mean." The woman senses something, She hears a third heart beat, panicked breathing. Bellatrix looks around, grip still tight around the quivering man's throat. that smell, she knows that smell...why does she know that smell? Rushed footsteps brought the woman back to reality, Snape appears.
"There you are. Minerva is looking for you." He turns his attention from the witch to the pathetic piece pinned against the wall.
"I see you're playing nice Bella." he quirks his brow.
"Don't I Always?" She smirks.

She leans in closer to the man, whispering in his ear.
"We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie."
She taps his cheek then turns to Snape. Filch appears, carrying what's left of the broken lamp.
"Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." Bella's eyes widen, that's how she heard the one too many heartbeats, and that smell...

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