Chapter 53

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The two felines followed closely behind the two boys and large dog, Minerva was on edge, she couldn't believe that Albus actually thought this was a good idea, then again maybe she could...he did have a very questionable way of thinking. The older witch feared for the children which is exactly why she was here now, and she was thankful Bellatrix was beside her, though she'd never admit it she felt safe, she knew Bellatrix would never let anything happen to any of them.

The group approaches a flat ground with gnarled roots all over. The large dog stops, and begins to growl. The hairs on Minerva back stick up, something wasn't right.

"What is it, Fang?" Harry asks looking at the dog, Draco reaches for his wand inching closer to Harry and Fang.

A dark figure caught the felines attention and Bellatrix instantly moved in front of Minerva as she focused on the cloaked figure that is crouched over a dead unicorn, drinking its blood. The figure raises its head and silver blood treacled from its mouth.
"Bella..." Minerva gasps as the boy hisses in pain clutching at his scar, Draco stood frozen not entirely sure what was happening to Harry, the dog bolts off leaving the two boys alone.
Draco gulps as he saw the figure slide over the dead unicorn and head in there direction, both boys looked on in terror both holding there wands out.

"Stay here." Bella growl to Minerva who didn't have chance to argue because the black feline had gone.
"D..D..Don't come any closer!" Draco's voice was laced in fear but he wasn't about to leave Harry, despite how much he didn't like him.
His aunt always told him the importance of loyalty, especially to the ones you loved, and despite not liking Harry he did like Hermione and Harry was Hermione's friend.
Thundering foot beats where heard behind the duo then out of nowhere leaped a large black panther, the cat growled showing it's deadly sharp teeth, standing up on its hind legs it clawed the air as a warning. The cloaked figure instantly retreats and disappears in the darkness.

The large cat glanced at the dumbfounded boys as they both just stood there like idiots. Hoof beats could be heard and the boys turned in the direction to see a centaur approaching, when they turned back toward the feline however, she'd disappeared.

Firenze heard the noise and followed it, that's when he witnessed the scene before him, at first he didn't have a clue what was going on then he saw the cloaked figure then the cat and that's when he recognised the boy and knew he had to get them out of here.

"Harry Potter, you and your Friend must leave. You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you both." The half man, half horse said.
"But what was that thing?" Harry asks.
"A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed life."
"But who would choose such a life?" Harry asks tilting his head to the side.
"Can you think of no one?"
Draco swallows at the realisation
"Voldemort." He blurted out catching everyone's attention.

Just then a dog barks causing the two boys to jump. Hagrid approaches followed by Hermione and Ron.


Minerva couldn't help but smile at the woman as she made them both some tea, she couldn't help but admire her for her bravery and loyalty, sometimes Minerva thought the woman should of been in Gryffindor.

"One tea for the love of my life" she hands Minerva the cup and saucer.
"and one tea for me." Bella smiles coming to take her seat opposite the other woman.
"Thank you kitten." Minerva smiles
"Anything for you my sweet enchantress." Bella winks.

"I think we should tell Albus about what we saw tonight." Minerva said after a moment of silence.
"I agree, but I think you'd better take over this one, if I see him I might just strangle him." Bella said taking a sip of her tea.
"Believe me if I could get away with it I'd do it myself." Minerva said earning a smile from Bellatrix.
"That I'd pay to watch."
Minerva rolls her eyes. Tonight put Minerva on edge, she felt all different emotions not to mention the panic that took over for the childrens lives, lucky they did follow, and lucky Bellatrix was there, she would definitely be having a heated word with Albus Dumbledore tomorrow...but right now...she was taken by the witch opposite her.

Bella sat silently, sipping her tea, though she did quirk her brow when she felt a foot running along her leg. Minerva slipped her foot out of her heel and slowly ran it along Bella's.
"Minerva Mcgnagall are you playing footsie with me under the table?" She places her cup on the saucer and glances at the woman who looked far too innocent. She remained silent as she slowly moved her leg up to Bella's knee.
"Minerva..." Bella growls moving her hand to grab Minerva's foot, the woman squeals as Bella began tickling her foot beneath the table, she attempted to pull it away but. Bella's grip was far too tight.

"Bella!" Minerva squealed as the wicked woman only grinned. She yanked Minerva's foot, pulling Minerva closer against the table.
"You must pay, you little minx." She left Minerva's foot go before rising to her feet.
Minerva quickly shot up and made her way into the room, shoes laying forgotten under the table. Bella however was faster and soon had her pinned against the wall.
"Hello there love." Bella grinned as she pressed her body against the witch. She leaned down, inches away from Minerva's lips, the woman frowned when she realised Bellatrix wasn't going to kiss her. The woman smirks
"I can be a tease too Minnie." She whisperers huskily, purposely pushing her knee between Minerva's legs earning a whimper from the woman.
"Bella..." Minerva moans standing on her tiptoes attempting to wrap her arms around Bella's neck. Bella however had other ideas and pinned the woman's hands above her head.
"Tell me Minerva..." Bella whispers as she continued to add pressure with her knee causing Minerva to fidget.
"Tell me what you want, and I might just consider it..." Minerva bit her bottom lip as Bella nudged her face into Minerva's neck, the woman gasps.
"Kiss me." She breathed, feeling the electricity flowing through her veins.
"Kiss me now damn it!" She snapped growing very impatient as Bella continued to tease her. The dark woman chuckles against Minerva's skin, sending vibrations throughout her entire body.
"Your wish is my command." She purrs before finally giving Minerva what she wanted. Minerva attempted to wrap her arms around the woman's neck again but Bellatrix wasn't having it, and in turn added more pressure with her knee causing the woman to whimper into the kiss.
Bella growled, deepening the kiss further and abused Minerva's lips. Minerva unintentionally released another whimper as Bella continued her assault.

"You're making this very difficult when you make those sounds." The witch said before moving to Minerva's jaw and nipping at her skin, Minerva whimpers again and Bellatrix growls.
"Oh the things I'd do to you..." she whispers into Minerva's ear.

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