Chapter 21

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The pair said their goodbyes and moved along to the next house.

"Bellatrix, Minerva!" Andromeda smiles pulling the pair into a hug.
"Steady on Andy, we would like to breath."
Andromeda instantly let them go.
"Sorry." She smiles, Minerva returns the smile, laughing slightly at her enthusiasm.
"Nymphadora!" Andy calls, as the three walk into the Living room.
"Don't call me that mum!" Tonks rolls her eyes as she walks down the stairs then grins.
"Looking good Trix."
"Not looking bad yourself Dora." Bellatrix grins as the girl came over to hug her, then moved on to Minerva.

"This way ladies" Edward smiles as they all head into the living room. Dora walking alongside Bellatrix.
"And just what are you smirking about pinkie."
"Oh nothing." She grins then heads into the living room with the others.
Bellatrix stood there a moment watching her wicked niece before joining everyone herself.

"Whiskey?" Ted looks to Bellatrix
"As if you even had to ask." Bellatrix smirks taking the glass from him, he chuckles as he takes the seat next to his wife.
"So Dora, what's this I hear about you and Daniel?" Bellatrix arches her brow, grinning.
The pink haired girl glared at her mother who smiles innocently.
"Out of everyone you could of told."
Bellatrix laughs as she brought her glass to her lips.
"Bellatrix stop winding her up." Minerva rolls her eyes.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Aw Pinkie has a boyfriend." Bellatrix chuckles, Dora decides to ignore and turn it around to her before she begins teasing.
"So what about you darling Trix, no feller to introduce to the family?"
"Come now Dora I need no man, they'll only slow me down." Bellatrix smirks leaning back into the settee.
"Not even Lockhart?" Dora grins, knowing how much the woman hates him.
"Especially not Lockhart." Bellatrix looks at her, the girl laughs.

"So Minerva, how's Albus?" Andromeda smiles trying to divert the conversation away from the other two.
"As childish as ever."
"He set his beard on fire last week." Bellatrix began laughing at the memory.
"What? How?" Andromeda looked to Minerva who rolled her eyes.
"Don't even ask, I seriously give up with the man." Minerva herself began to chuckle.
"We just walked in, and he had his back to us." Bellatrix starts, before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"He was waving his arms around frantically, so I called him, he spun around and his beard was just up in flames. His face was quite priceless." Minerva takes a sip of her whiskey.
"Well I put the fire out, whilst Bellatrix just stood there and laughed." Minerva arches her brow at Bellatrix. Dora joined her aunt in laughter as Minerva continued the story.


"Oh please stay, I don't see you that often." Dora looks to her aunt.
"Now don't you look at me like that Dora." Bellatrix warns, trying desperately to come across as her stern scary self.
Minerva chuckles.
"Who are you trying to fool Bella, we all know you're a big softy." Minerva sips her drink.
"I most certainly am not!" Bellatrix folds her arms.
"You are Just a bit Bellatrix, though don't worry everyone knows you can be scary too." Andromeda grins.
"Now hang on, you didn't have to deal with her when we first started courting, she was terrifying, I mean I was afraid to breath around her for ages." Ted said.
"What can I say, I'm protective of my girls." Bellatrix shrugs, unthinkingly placing her hand on Minerva's leg.
Bellatrix often did this, Minerva figured the woman didn't even realise it half the time, but after the events of today Minerva couldn't help but inhale sharply at the hand upon her leg. Eyes were on her, she quickly pretended to cough, acting as if she choked on her drink.

Bellatrix quickly took the glass off the woman and patted her back.
"Water Dora." Bellatrix said and the girl quickly shot up.
"No, I'm, I'm fine honestly." Minerva smiles earning a arched brow from Bellatrix.
"You were just coughing and chocking all over the place woman."
"Just a wee tickle in my throat." Minerva avoids to look at the witch.

"I've got the water" Dora hands Bellatrix the water.
"Drink this." Bellatrix holds the water up to Minerva's mouth.
"No I don't need it."
"I wasn't asking you Minerva." Bellatrix said in her stern professor voice.
Minerva felt very stupid, this wasn't how she thought it would go, she just thought everyone would carry on as normal and forget about her little cough.
Minerva meets Bellatrix eyes, then sighs, she drank the water, suddenly feeling like a pathetic little child. Ha, imagine that, the Minerva Mcgonagall, the stern and intimidating deputy headmistress, and head of Gryffindor feeling like a little child.

"See now was that so bad?" Bellatrix smiles tucking a strand of hair behind Minerva's ear, who's cheeks turned a bright pink.
"I need a drink." Minerva stands up quickly and headed to the kitchen.
Bellatrix rolls her eyes as she also stood up, and followed the woman.
"No more whiskey Minerva." Bellatrix places the glass of water in the sink.
Minerva ignored her.
Bellatrix sighs walking over to the older witch and taking the bottle out of her hand.

"Snatching is considered rude, now give it back." Minerva frowns.
"No." Bellatrix hides it behind her back.
"No?" Minerva couldn't believe her.
"No." Bellatrix repeats, Minerva just stood there staring at her.
"You were just choking Minerva, I think it would be a good idea to lay off the whiskey, just for tonight."
"The whiskey had nothing to do with it."
"Oh really?" Bellatrix takes a step towards the woman.
"Then enlighten me on what did." Bellatrix places the bottle on the counter, taking another step towards the woman who had nowhere to escape, already against the counter, with the taller witch blocking her exit.
Minerva swallows her mouth suddenly becoming dry, this is definitely not how she expected things to turn out.
Bellatrix smirks, placing her hands on the woman's hips.
"Looks like I've rendered the Minerva Mcgonagall speechless again."

Minerva hated how her cheeks constantly turn pink at the hands of this woman before her.
Bellatrix chuckles.
"You know what, I think I already know why you were coughing."
Bellatrix took a step back and reached for the glasses, she hands them to Minerva.
"Do you think you can hold these without spilling them?" Bellatrix smirks as she reaches for the bottle.
"I'm not a child Bellatrix!"
"Oh trust me love, I am fully aware of...that." Bellatrix slowly eyed the woman over then licked her lips. By the time her eyes returned to the woman's face, Minerva's cheeks were pink.
"I really don't appreciate this."
"Oh dear, but that's your problem, not mine." Bellatrix began pouring the whiskey into the glasses, accidentally spilling a drop on Minerva's hand.
"Oh dear, you're wet." Bellatrix grins wickedly as she places the bottle on the counter top.
"You, you did that on purpose." Minerva narrows her eyes trying not to sound like a mumbling mess, and to hold herself together.
Bellatrix gasps, looking all to innocent.
"I would never."

Minerva hands the woman her drink, accidentally spilling it on her hand.
"Oh look, it would appear my hands are rather shaky after all. Now you're wet too." Minerva did her best to hide her little smirk.
"It would appear so, wet because of you and those hands of yours." Bellatrix whispers, reaching for Minerva's hand that still had some whiskey on it.
"Here, let me get that for you." Bellatrix brought the hand to her mouth then slowly began to lick it.
Minerva inhales, watching her, and that little pink tongue.

"There, Bellatrix cleaned it all up." Bellatrix smirks.
"Now come on love, we mustn't keep our hosts waiting." And with that Bellatrix kept hold of the woman's hand and dragged her back into the living room, both holding onto their whiskey.

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