Chapter 18

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Minerva was currently in the bath as an owl delivered Bellatrix a letter through the open window. Bellatrix frowns and takes the letter then began to read it.

Once finished she knocked on the bathroom door.
"Minnie, it's a letter from your brother's, they can't do breakfast with us on Christmas, his in-laws demand they go to their house for Christmas, he said he's really sorry and that he hopes we don't mind. But we can go there for lunch New Years Day, if that's alright." Bellatrix said looking at the letter in her hands.
"That's fine." Minerva calls back as Bellatrix then began to write their reply.


"Aww look at the tree Minnie." Bella nudges the elder witch in the side.
"I do wish you'd be quiet and get on with it." Minerva whispers.
Bella rolls her eyes, placing the packages under the tree.
"So what's in that smaller package?" Minerva arches her brow.
"Hmm?, oh just a little something for the boy." The witch replies.
"Like what?"
"Just a little keepsake thing"


Early Christmas morning. Hedwig is perched in the boys' room, and Harry is asleep in bed.
"Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, wake up!" Ron calls from down stairs.
Harry gets up and runs to the balcony overlooking the common room, where Ron is standing next to a tree. He is wearing a sweater with an R on it.
"Merry Christmas, Harry."
"Merry Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?"
"Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you've got one too!"
"I've got presents?" Harry smiles excitedly.
"Yeah!" Ron smiles.
Harry runs down the stairs excitedly.

"There they are." Ron sits on a settee arm and eats jelly beans as Harry picks up a silver wrapped package. Harry takes out the card.

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. We believe It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." Harry opens the present, to reveal an old Looking cloak.
"What is it?" Ron asks.
"Some kind of...cloak."
"Well, let's see then. Put it on."

Harry puts the cloak on, and all of him disappears except for his head.
"My body's gone!"
"I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak!" Ron's eyes widen.
"I'm invisible??"
"They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you." Ron gets up and approaches Harry.
"There was no name. It just said, "Use it well."
"Let's look at the writing, it might help us identify who it came from." Ron takes hold of the card.
Fancy joint writing in black ink is upon it.
"Look at how the y's are curled..."

Harry reaches under the tree and pulls out another package with his name written on it, in the same writing as the latter.
He opens the packaging to reveal his wooden dolls. The boy smiles.
"Are those dolls?" Ron furrows his brows, looking at the wooden figures.
One a woman with red hair, one a man with brown hair and glasses two cats, a tabby and black haired one. And two new dolls were added to his collection. A woman with curly black hair with a grey streak, and another one with brown hair and glasses.
"Hey these two look like professor Black and Mcgonagall." Ron points out, picking up the two dolls.


Minerva lay asleep in bed completely unaware that Bella had left herself into Minerva's chambers and quietly sat on the side of her bed, she knew Minerva hated early mornings and that the woman would definitely still be asleep. Bellatrix smiles at the sleeping beauty, her normally neat hair spread messily all over her pillow. Her blue eyes closed, and her thin pink lips slightly parted. Her soft and calm breathing, Music to Bella's ears.

"You're so beautiful, then again that is an understatement. I don't think such a word exists to describe you." Bellatrix whispers knowing full well the woman is to deep in slumber to hear her.
"You don't yet understand, but one day you will, that you are more beautiful to me
with every passing moment,
never diminishing, only growing
with every smile, every touch,
every sigh, every word, every trust.
You're sleeping and I'm memorizing every detail, the sound of your breathing, your mumbling, every wrinkle on your face. Your lips, and the way they part just slightly as you snore softly, deep in sleep." Bellatrix whispers
"Dare I touch your darling face? Run my fingers against your soft skin? Risk waking you, disturbing you from your slumber for my selfish need? Dare I run my fingers lightly across your lips, dare I kiss your head?" Bellatrix smiles admiring the sleeping woman.

"I daren't, you're asleep. I'd hate to be the reason you wake from your well deserved slumber. But it's difficult, I must restrain myself. Often I come to watch you sleep, often I find myself talking to you fully aware you hear nothing I say, like now. Here I sit telling you the thoughts running through my mind, here you lie, completely oblivious."

An hour later

"Minerva wakey wakey, Christmas is upon us." Bella nudges the elder woman.
"Look, I've got your coffee here." Bella smiles.
The elder witch grumbles
"Come on sleepy head get up." Bella chuckles as the woman rolls over and looks at her.
"I'm tired leave me sleep." Minerva mumbles.
The ravenette chuckles.
"But the presents are waiting in the living room."
"Let them wait, I'm having another hour...possibly two."
"You're coffee's getting cold." Bella sighs.
"Good." Minerva mumbles.
Bellatrix rolls her eyes about to stand up when Minerva reaches for her hand. Bellatrix arches her brow.
"Hold me?" Minerva whispers ever so quietly, Bellatrix just about heard it. She smiles softly at her sleepy friend.
"Anything you want love." Bellatrix slips of her shoes and climbs into bed, Minerva instantly shifted closer to the warmth of Bella's body and instantly fell back into her slumber.

Two hours later Minerva begins to stir.
Minerva opens her eyes to be met with warm brown ones.
"Morning sleepy head." Bella smiles.
Minerva grumbles.
"What time is it?"
"Half ten."
"You'd best move if you want to catch breakfast." Bella smiles.
"Unless of course you want me to make you breakfast in bed." Bellatrix smirks, pulling the woman closer, she could hear Minerva's intake of breath. Bellatrix began to run her hand along Minerva's side, sending shivers down the woman's spine.
"It's entirely upto you. Though I think breakfast in bed sounds...almost pleasurable." Bellatrix whispers huskily, earning an involuntary whimper from Minerva.

Bellatrix chuckles as Minerva blushes, instantly sitting up, Minerva goes to stand up.
"Oh don't leave love, come here and cwtch some more." Bellatrix sits up looking at Minerva who makes a beeline to the bathroom.
Bellatrix grins.
"I'll see you in the hall for breakfast then Minnie." Bellatrix calls.

* You don't yet understand,
but one day you will,
that you are more beautiful to me
with every passing moment,
never diminishing, only growing
with every smile, every desired touch,
every sigh, every word, every trust.
You're sleeping
and I'm memorizing every detail,
the sound of your breathing *

I do not own thos part of the poem

However the rest is my own, apart from the harry potter characters, that's J.K.Rowling.

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