Chapter 48

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Harry and Ron sat in the library reading over some books completely oblivious to Hermione as she heads in their direction with a large book hugged tightly to her chest.

The pair jump as they're snapped out of their own little world by the large book in front of them, both glancing up to the curly haired culprit.
"I know why you can't find anything, I had you looking in the wrong section!" She pushes the book towards the two boys who look completely confused at the entire situation.
"Honestly I don't know how I could be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading.

"This is light?" Ron looks to Harry unaware of the daggers he was receiving from Hermione.
"Of course! Here it is!" The girl turns her attention back to the book and points out the bit they were after.
"Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"
"The what?" Both said in unison
"Honestly, don't you two read?" She rolls her eyes before filling the boys in.


"So Hagrid, how's our little egg coming along?" Bella, asks whilst leaning down to examine it.
"I think e's jus' about ready to 'atch."
"I thought so too, isn't it exiting." Bella smiles looking back to her friend who makes them a cup of tea. He just placed it down where the woman was sat when a knock on the door caught there attention.
"Ah shit, who could that be." Bella mumbles as she watches Hagrid walk to the door, he looks out of the window.
" T'ree students o' yours."
"What?" Bella quickly gets up from her chair and heads to the window.
"Ah Minerva's Cubs out on the prowl, I wonder what they want..." Bella arches her brow to Hagrid, who shrugs.
"Better let them in or they'll freeze, and I can't imagine they'll be comfortable talking around a teacher." She returns to her chair as Hagrid opens the door and the three instantly come inside.

"Hagrid!" Harry smiles turning his attention to Hagrid.
"Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I  ain't in no fit state to entertain today." He points towards the door indicating they leave.
"We know about the Philosopher's Stone!" The boy blurts out and Hagrid instantly shuts the door.
"Oh." He glances at the cat in the chair who arched her brow.
"We think Snape's trying to steal it." At this the cat snorted and caught everyone's attention.
"Trixie?" Harry tilts his head to the side.
"Trixie?" Both Ron and Hermione look to Harry.
"Tis my name dears, don't wear it out." The cat swishes her tail as Harry moved to pet her.
"This is the cat I was telling you about."
"You didn't mention she could talk." Ron gulped.
"I was told not to mention it..."
"Yes that would be wise, I hope I can trust you pair not to say a single word about my ability to talk." The cat tilts her head to the side.
"Not a word." Hermione smiles closing the gap.
"May I?" She reaches out her hand desperately wanting to pet the feline.
"Oh alright." The cat responds.
Hermione smiles as she ran her fingers along the long soft coat of the black cat.
"I love the unique grey streak you have."
"I don't, but everything comes with a consequence and that's mine."
"What did you do?" Hermione frowns.
"That's not for you to worry about little cub. Now don't let me stop you three from your little chat with Hagrid."

Harry instantly turns back to Hagrid, again accusing Snape.
"Snape? Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are you?"
"Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why."
"I can assure you three that Professor Snape is not after the stone." the feline looks at her claws.
"But we-"
"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it!" Hagrid said frustratedly trying to defend the man.
"What?" All three look to Hagrid.
"You heard. Right. Come on, now,  am a bit preoccupied today." The man tries to usher them to the door, however fang had other intentions.

"Wait a minute." Harry frowns as the large dark dog approaches Ron, who whimpers slightly as he looks into the dogs eyes.
"One of the teachers?"
"Of course!" Hermione pipes in startling the cat slightly.
"There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments."
"That's right. Waste o' bloody time, if ye ask me."
Ron's eyes widen as a large dog approaches him.
"Don't worry boy, he's perfectly harmless." The cat jumps on Fangs back and stretches.

"Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Hehe, not a soul knows how. Except for me, Professor Black and Dumbledore." He smiles before catching the arched brow of the cat.
"I shouldn't have told you that. I shouldn't have told you that." He mumbles.
"Professor Black..." Harry whispers catching the cats attention.
"There's something strange about her Hagrid don't you think?"
"Strange ha, Professor Black!" He looks worriedly at the cat.
"How so Harry?" The cat tilts her head.
"Well I don't know exactly, she seems to know things..."
"Well she is a professor, it would be rather stupid to hire a clueless professor..."
"I don't mean like that, she just seems to know pretty much everything that goes on, and she turns up out of blue..."
"Bloody brilliant I thought, when she turned invisible like that." Ron pipes in.
"Yes she's quite extraordinary like that." The cat smiles.
"Do you think maybe she could be after the stone?" Hermione ponders.

"Oh come off it, you can't possibly think that woman would be after a stupid little stone like that." Ron frowns.
Hermione shrugs.
"Why did she stop teaching DADA?" Harry asks Hagrid, who looks at the cat.
"Now I don't think that's any of your business Children, besides we don't know ourselves... it's her business and she keeps it that way." The cat said filling the room with silence.

"She's a brilliant witch, mighty tricky to get a card of her though. I got nearly everyone but her." Ron shrugs, talking to no one in particular. The cat chuckles, at least someone wasn't accusing her for something this ludicrous.

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