Chapter 45

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Minerva swallows, feeling light fingers brushed against the bare skin of her back.
A whimper escapes Bella's lips as she touches the smooth skin, Minerva frowns at the reaction, never had she heard Bellatrix make that noise. She turns around, slowly, contemplating just disappearing all together, but The expression on Bella's face stopped her thoughts.
"We have a problem..." Bellatrix barely whispers.
"What?" Minerva began panicking, what had she done? She'd ruined everything.
"I lied, I lied through my teeth, my control is hanging on by a thread."

Minerva inwardly laughs, why did she ever think Bellatrix would be disgusted?
A smile broke out on her lips.
"Well that is an issue." She steps out of the dress, closing the gap between them.
"Wait, don't come any closer." Bellatrix steps back, noting her mistake as hurt and panic  began swirling around in ocean eyes.
"I want to look at you first, I want to study the masterpiece that is you." She whispers, hoping to ease the woman.
"I want to know every inch of you and lock it away in my memories, for only me to see." She adds, slowly beginning to circle Minerva.

"Bella..." Minerva whispers suddenly feeling very awkward.
"You're so beautiful Minerva." Bella's eyes roamed the pale body, long smooth ivory legs that beckoned Bellatrix to touch them. She closed in, coming behind Minerva, she wanted to touch her, to feel her.
Minerva glanced over her shoulder at the presence behind her, moving backwards, leaning into Bella's outstretched hand.
"So soft..." Bellatrix whispers aloud, fascinated by the woman. She ran her fingers lightly against Minerva's skin, daring to travel towards the frilly bra that covered her ivory breasts. She waited a moment, waiting for any indication from Minerva to stop, before unclasping the bra, she slid it down Minerva's arms slowly, who in turn took a deep breath.

Bellatrix made her way back to the front, taking in the newly exposed plump breasts.
Bellatrix whimpers at the sight, oh how she wanted nothing more than to take Minerva in her arms and display all her love for her right that second.
Her eyes met Minerva's, slowly closing the gap between them.
Brown eyes travelled down Minerva's neck to her chest, she wanted to touch, to hold, to caress...her eyes found blue once again, begin for permission. This was a whole new level of intimacy, one that they've never crossed before and Bellatrix really didn't want to screw up, she knew Minerva all too well.

"It's okay Bella, I want you too." She smiles reaching for Bella's hand, guiding it to her body.
Bellatrix growls, at the contact, slowly she made a little path towards the woman's breasts, using what little power she had left to remain gentle. She gave a little squeeze earning a breathy sigh from Minerva.
"Ah shit." Bella mumbles, fighting with her inner self.
"I'm not made of porcelain you know..."
"I know, but I get a bit too excited and..."
"I know kitten, but it's okay." Minerva smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind Bella's ear.
Bella growls, pulling Minerva towards her body, lips instantly crashing against Minerva's, who gasps at the sudden impact. Hands roamed Minerva's bare back, as she continued the attack on Minerva's lips, drawing every last breath from the older woman.

Red lips move to nibble and kiss at Minerva's jawline, leaving a trail down to her neck.
Teeth threatened to break the delicate skin, earning little whimpers from Minerva and a low growl from Bella.
Bellatrix mentally reminded herself not to go too far, she really didn't want to frighten Minerva off.

Teeth marks covered some places along Minerva's neck and collarbone, a hand toyed with her breast as Bella made her way to the other one with her mouth. Minerva tried to remain quiet as Bellatrix displayed her affection, but was finding it exceptionally hard, butterflies were erupting inside her and it was all due to this curly haired witch.

"I want to hear you Minnie." Bella growls against Ivory skin, sending the vibrations all over her body.
Minerva made no effort to cover her moan when she felt teeth nibbling her sensitive skin, and Bella growls with delight.
"Good girl." She whispers huskily, moving her assault to the other breast, her hand finding its way to the one her mouth had previously explored.

After giving each one special treatment she slowly began moving down. She dropped to her knees, her mouth never leaving Minerva's warm smooth skin.
"Bella..." Minerva whispers glancing down, her hands tangling in raven locks.
Bella's hands rested either side of Minerva's hips, whilst she cascaded chaste kisses along her abdomen, slowly getting lower and lower.

Her eyes looked to Minerva once more, Minerva's however were closed and she nibbled her bottom lip whilst her hands were lost in Bella's hair. Bella noticed the woman began to sway and inwardly smirked as she tightened her grip.
"Stand still Love, control you legs." Bella purrs against her skin. Moving towards the waist band of her black frilly knickers, Bella tugged at the fabric with her teeth, about to drag them down Minerva's long smooth legs when she sensed Minerva tense. Bella stopped, glancing up at Minerva who her eyes squeezed shut.

Minerva thought she was ready, but as Bella got closer to her centre she found herself becoming nervous, she'd not done anything like this before, let alone with a woman who was so very much younger than she was. Despite everything Minerva couldn't quite grasp that Bellatrix had chosen her, and everything that Bellatrix had ever said slowly left Minerva's mind as she battled with her intrusive thoughts that belittled her, and doubted Bella.

Minerva took a sharp inhale trying to get a grip of her thoughts, she started this and she can't stop now, Bellatrix will surly leave if she were to stop now and It would be her fault entirely.

Minerva was too busy mentally torturing herself she hadn't noticed Bella had stopped.

"Minerva..." Bellatrix whispers softly.
"Do you want me to stop love?"
Minerva inhales, she wanted the woman to stop but at the same time she didn't want to disappoint Bellatrix.

Minerva nods, not daring to open her eyes, too afraid to see the woman leave.
Bella slowly got to her feet, planting a kiss on either side of Minerva's shoulders already gathered the thoughts that crossed Minerva's mind. She embraced the woman, planting another kiss to her cheek.

"Minnie you're overthinking the situation Love, look at me." Bella purrs nudging her head into the woman.
"I'll never make you do something you don't 100% want." She adds, resting her head against Minerva's forehead.
"I'm sorry..." Minerva whispers.
"No, don't ever apologise for changing your mind. If you're not ready for that yet it's perfectly fine, I'll be here waiting like a food deprived dog when you are." Bellatrix grins earning a chuckle from Minerva.
"You have a terrible sense of humour you know that?" Minerva smiles, her eyes meeting brown swirls.
"Made you smile didn't it?" The taller woman brushed her nose against Minerva's, gracing her with a warm smile.
"It did...still bad though." 

Well I tried...

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