Chapter 20

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"That'll be Bellatrix and Minerva." Narcissa smiles, walking past Lucius and heading to the door.

Bellatrix wore a long black dress with a red ribbon around the waist, about as Christmassy as she can get, though she did also wear red 2 inch heels. And a long black cloak.
Minerva wore a black dress just below her knees, with little reindeers running around and playing on her dress. She wore black thigh high stockings under the dress and a pair of 3 inch heels. She had a long red cloak, along with a tartan scarf and hat, and mittens. Minerva did not like the cold.

Minerva fidgets under Bellatrix's gaze, finally snapping.
"Must you stare at me so intensely?! I mean what's so interesting, you can't look away?"
Bellatrix laughs. She could sense the woman was nervous, probably because of what just happened. She was probably confused and irritated.
"You're so adorable." Bellatrix smirks pulling Minerva closer and placing a kiss on her lips.
"Bellatrix!" Minerva pushes the woman away, looking around to see if anyone was there.
Bellatrix chuckles.

Minerva was very confused, what had suddenly got into the witch? Not that she didn't like being kissed by her, because she definitely did, but she had no idea what was going on.

The door opens to reveal a smiling Narcissa.
"Bellatrix! Minerva!" She smiles hugging each of them.
"Merry Christmas." Minerva smiles returning the hug.
"Bellatrix." Lucius approaches.
"Lucius." Bellatrix nods.
"Auntie!" Draco calls descending the stairs.
Bellatrix smiles as the boy approaches the pair.
"There's my boy." She ruffles his hair.
He hugs her, then turns to Minerva, he kisses her hand before hugging her.
"Ever the gentleman is my witw Dwaco." Bellatrix teases pinching his cheek. Minerva chuckles at the boy who attempts to get out of his aunts tight grip.


After Christmas lunch the family gathered around, exchanging gifts. Bellatrix sat drink in hand watching the scene before her with a smile. Minerva chatted happily to Bella's sister Narcissa, Draco excitedly examined his new broom. Lucius sat in his chair examining his new silver handled comb.
And Bellatrix enjoyed a glass or six of fire whiskey.

"Auntie will you come and fly with me?" Draco asks excitedly as he scooted over to Bellatrix, the woman chuckles then downs the rest of her whiskey.
"Ah, why not." Bellatrix stood up instantly catching Minerva's attention.
"Do you think it wise to go flying right now? It's getting late, and not to mention you've had a few to drink."
Bellatrix smirks
"Don't worry love, we'll be fine won't we boyo?" Bellatrix ruffles Draco's head who nods frantically.
Minerva arches her brow at the woman who just chuckles in response.
Bellatrix blows a kiss at the woman, who rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her blushed cheeks. Bellatrix grins as her and Draco leave.
"She'll be fine, she's flown a broom after downing an entire bottle before now." Narcissa smiles.
"I'll go watch them, might just catch Bellatrix falling off, wouldn't want to miss that." Lucius smirks.
"Lucius Malfoy!" Narcissa snaps.
"Just because she's a better flyer than you doesn't mean you have to be sour." Minerva arches her brow.
"She's not a better flyer than me." Lucius folds his arms.
"She kinda is." Narcissa looks over at her husband.
"My own wife going against me." Lucius shakes his head.

Bellatrix sat behind Draco on the broom, allowing him to take control, she had her arms around him to ensure his safety as they were up in the air.
"That's it, well done Draco." Bellatrix smiles as they soar through the wintery air.
Draco took his time not wanting to be to cocky  like his father and crash into a tree. No he wanted to impress his aunt, her opinion was the only opinion that mattered, he loved his parents, he really did, and although they were incredibly talented, no one could beat his aunt, though they certainly did try.

Bellatrix smiles, enjoying the time spent with her nephew, she did love him, very very much, even if at times it didn't seem like it. Admittedly sometimes she was a bit harsh on the boy but that's purely out of love.
"You're getting better each time pet." Bellatrix kisses his head.
"But we'd best be heading back soon, how about auntie drives us back?" Bellatrix smirks knowing full well that's what he wanted.
"Oh please! And do the swirls in the air too!" Draco said excitedly, Bellatrix chuckles at his reaction as she takes over from there. She turns around, instantly picking up speed. She lowered them down into the trees, picking the speed up Even more as she dodged the trees, throwing in a few spiral moves here and there.
Bellatrix made sure not to go too fast, not wanting to scare her nephew too much, though she definitely wasn't going slow.
The wind blew through their hair and Draco held on for dear life, though enjoying every second of it.

All three had gone outside awaiting the return of Nephew and aunt, just as The pair burst out of the trees and heading straight up.
"Oh god, she's going to do the spiral dive." Minerva covers her eyes.
"No she wouldn't dare do it with Draco on board." Narcissa said confidently, though on the inside she was screaming, hoping her sister had more sense than that.
"I bet they're all shitting themselves down there." Bellatrix chuckles, earning a giggle from Draco.

Bellatrix has gone up so far you could just about see them down below, she'd slowed down until the broom just hovered in its spot.
"It's really nice up here." Draco admires the view.
"It is isn't it." Bellatrix smiles.
"You ready?"
"I think so." Draco mutters.
"Don't worry love I won't go too fast, besides nothing will ever happen to you, not if I have anything to do with it."
"I know." Draco smiles, he inhales then exhales.
"Let's do this shit."
"Oi, mind your language boyo your mum'll be telling me off again." Bellatrix nudges him with her head, earning another giggle.
Draco held on tightly, and Bellatrix wrapped her arms around him tightly though still able to steer the broom.
"Here we go."  And with that, the broom tilted forward into a diving position and began falling, Draco's stomach turned as his heartbeat increased as they plummeted to the ground.

But Bellatrix stayed true to her word, and didn't go as fast as she could, and she definitely didn't do a spiral dive, he was far to young for that, at the moment that is. As they neared the ground she could see the panic on Narcissa's face, and Minerva covering her eyes with her hands. And Lucius trying to stop his hair from blowing in his face.
"Woohoo!" Draco yells, as Bellatrix quickly pulls them up to stop them from crashing into the ground and came to a stop near the three.

"You can open your eyes now Minnie Love." Bellatrix smirks.
"That was amazing!" Draco grins, earning a chuckle from Bellatrix. They dismount, and Bellatrix hands the broom to him.
"Go put it away then." She ruffles the boy's hair as he thanks her then runs along.
"Never do that again." Narcissa looks at her sister who just laughs.
"Oh Cissy, you say that every time."
"And I notice you never listen." Narcissa sighs, turning to Lucius.
"I need a wine after that." Narcissa grabs her husband and drags him inside.

Bellatrix laughs.
Minerva looks at her, a frown covering her face.
"It's not funny Bellatrix, you scared her, you scared me. I mean it's one thing doing it sober, but doing it when you've had more than a few drinks."
"I'm not drunk Minnie, I knew what I was doing it was perfectly safe." Bellatrix smiles, stepping closer to the woman.
"That's besides the point."
"Aww does Minerva care about Bellatrix?" The woman smirks, tucking some hair into Minerva's hat.
"You're insufferable." Minerva looks at the wicked witch. Bellatrix smirks as she pulls the woman closer, grinding herself against Minerva.
"B-Bellatrix!" Minerva gasps trying to push the woman away, frantically looking to see if anyone was there. Bellatrix smirks wickedly, releasing a small growl.

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