Chapter 30

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In the boy's room Harry comes whipping in, his invisible cloak hiding him as he ran towards a sleeping Ron. "Ron! You've really got to see this! Ron! You've got to see this!" He pulls back the covers of his friend, shaking him a few times before Ron finally wakes up. "Ron, Ron, come on. Get out of bed!"
"Why?" Ron groans, confused at his friends enthusiasm, "There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!" Harry drags the boy out of bed, both hiding under his cloak as Harry leads the way.

Back in the mirror room, Harry slips the cloak off both him and Ron, and Harry runs to the mirror. "Come on. Come. Come look, it's my parents!" Harry said excitedly, Ron approaches with a frown covering his face. "I only see me."
This time Harry frowns, looking back at the mirror, "no it's them see" he points only Ron still stood there completely confused.
Harry moves over "Look in properly. Go on. Stand there. There. You see them, don't you? Thats my dad-"
Ron cuts him up "That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron turns to the boy excitedly.
"How can it? Both my parents are dead." Harry smiles sadly, his eyes drifting to the floor.


Minerva was warm, very warm, her eyes flutter open, and her ears are greeted with the husky voice of Bellatrix. "Good morning beautiful, sleep okay?" Bellatrix smiles running her hand through the woman's hair.
"Mhm" Minerva purrs, closing her eyes once more.
"How did you sleep?" The shorter witch mumbles, adjusting the position of her head so she could see Bellatrix.
"For the short amount of time that I did sleep, it was pleasant."
Minerva frowns
" You didn't sleep?"  She lifts her head up, looking at the smiling witch.
"I did just not much, I was far more fascinated with watching you sleep."

Minerva smiles pushing herself up slightly.
"Oh really?"
Bellatrix grins at the woman hovering inches away from her, Minerva parts her lips slightly, running her tongue along the bottom one, Bellatrix growls, as the woman teasingly lingered, with her lips parted.
"Definitely." Bellatrix's voice was low as her hands moved to the side of Minerva's ribs, softly running them up and down, trying to stop herself from grabbing Minerva's face and forcing their lips together. Minerva smirks leaning that bit closer, she rather enjoyed toying with the woman.

Bellatrix growls even more when she caught a glimpse of the top of Minerva's breast due to the lose fabric. Minerva smiles finally leaning down, touching Bellatrix's lips with her own.
The woman growls instantly latching onto Minerva and switching their positions, earning a giggle from the other woman as Bellatrix pins her to the bed.
"You couldn't help yourself could you? You just couldn't leave me be on top even for a minute." Bellatrix growls, nudging her head into the crook of Minerva's neck.
"Because You're a tease, you're a despicable tease." Bellatrix growls into the woman's ear, earning another giggle from the woman. Bellatrix chuckles huskily as she nibbles at Minerva's ear lobe. Knowing full well the affect it had on Minerva. Minerva purrs, her eyes closed, as Bellatrix added some pressure with her teeth earning a quiet little moan from the witch. Bellatrix growls in response.

Minerva's hands found their way to the woman's hair, pulling her closer. Bellatrix growls again, latching her teeth on to the woman's exposed shoulder. Minerva whimpers at the feeling but doesn't stop the woman.
Bellatrix purrs as she toys with the skin between her teeth, Minerva's gasps and whimpers, music to Bellatrix's ears. Oh how she enjoyed finding out just what Minerva loved.
Bellatrix began suckling on the skin, then moved to Minerva's neck, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as she does so.
"Do you like that Pussycat?" Bellatrix purrs, licking the spot on Minerva's neck she intended on biting.
"The, the time..." Minerva whispers
"Bugger it." Bellatrix growls attacking the sensitive skin with her teeth, carful not to break the skin, but enough to make the woman whimper. Bellatrix carefully grinds her teeth against the skin, earning a low throaty moan from Minerva. Bellatrix growls, she wasn't expecting that, but she loved it none the less. She wanted to hear more like that, Bellatrix began suckling again on the skin, moving her hand along Minerva's side, from the side of her ribs to her hips and back. More little whimpers erupt from the witch beneath her, Bellatrix growls, she had to stop before she gets too carried away.

She wanted Minerva to be fully ready, before she took it any further.
Bellatrix pulls back, meeting the eyes of the woman beneath her. Minerva smiles, lips parted trying to breath after what Bellatrix did to her, Bellatrix could do the simplest of things and Minerva would lose it. She couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if Bellatrix went all the way with her.
Brown eyes drift to the marks covering Minerva's neck and shoulder, smiling proudly.
"You've done it again haven't you." Minerva whispers.
"Damn right I have." Bellatrix grins before kissing the woman once more.

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