Chapter 62

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Dumbledore had planned a night out for his staff and himself to end another school year, by  Dumbledore we obviously mean Minerva.

Minerva sat on the settee in her living room whilst Bellatrix lay the entire length of the settee with her head resting in Minerva's lap and an empty whiskey glass in her hand. An enchanted parchment and quill floating just above Bella's head as Minerva wrote down what she needed to do and what she has done.
"Right so the date is set, everyone can make it, and the place is booked...what am I forgetting?" She glances down at Bellatrix who sent the empty glass to the coffee table.
"That you're very pretty and I'm here dying, unless you give me the attention I deserve."  Bella sighs placing her hand on her head.
Minerva rolls her eyes, " You are so dramatic, now on a serious note what haven't I done?"
The woman sighs, rolling her eyes.
"Well there's that shopping trip Patricia wants us to go on before the trip abroad. She wants to help us be more muggle...whatever the hell that means. Then naturally I suppose we have to pack like muggles too...since we apparently have to take that big tin bloody bird wannabe."
"An airplane Bella, we're taking an airplane." Minerva looks donen over her glasses at her lover who waves her arm around in the air.
"Same thing." Bella said, ignoring the head shake from Minerva.

"Back to the list, then we have to make sure we got everything, leave, then remember the muggle passports and come back to get them, then we check everything again and actually leave that time..."
"Hang on, why are we planning on forgetting the passports only to come back and get them." Minerva arches her brow.
Bella shrugs, " I don't know, I seen it happen on one of those squares with moving pictures advertised in the window in muggle London."
Minerva chuckles, " You really are something else. And for the record, I believe those square boxes with the moving pictures are called a television."  Minerva smiles down at the woman who shrugs.
"Nice to know, anyway back to the list." Bella said reaching up and taking Minerva's glasses from her face and placing them on her own face.

"Next on that list is a kiss for Bellatrix otherwise she'll die then there's really no point in you doing any of those other things because She won't be there to share the experience. She'll be dead...and that Minerva dear is on your hands." Bella stated a matter of factually, whilst examining her neatly trimmed nails. Minerva chuckles shaking her head.
"If I kiss you, do you promise to help me rather than distract me?"
"I'd be more than happy to help you my love, though I don't think my version of helping is what you have in mind." Bella smirks, sitting up and turning to face the woman.
"I suspected the same." Minerva arches her brow, "Why is your mind permanently in the gutter?"
"Can't be helped really, I try to escape then I look at you and I'm just rolling around in pure filth." Bella wiggles her brows.
"You are pure filth." Minerva retorts
"And you love it, now come here." Bella grins as she leans in to capture the lips of her lover.
Bella's hand tangles in Minerva's hair as she pushes herself flush against the witch, earning a muffled moan from Minerva.
"Now how am I supposed to leave it at just a kiss when you do that?" Bella whispers, tugging Minerva's bottom lip between her teeth. The woman try's to suppress another moan which failed terribly as the devil moved her other hand to toy with Minerva's covered breast.
"The...the list...I have to finish it." Minerva pants, turning her face away from Bella's abusing lips to try and catch some air.
"Bugger the list love, you can do it tomorrow." Bella said sending the parchment and Minerva's glasses over to the table before climbing on top of Minerva, straddling the breathless woman.

She carefully removed the clips from the woman's hair, smiling as she ruffles her long silk hair. Minerva meets brown orbs and smiles through her blushing cheeks at the witch.
"You really are a masterpiece in the making Minerva." Bella whispers, running her hand along Minerva's cheek.
"I wouldn't go that far." Minerva looks away, but Bella cupped her cheek, forcing her attention back onto Bellatrix.
"I would, and so much more. Your beauty is blinding Minerva, but I can't look away because I might die. You are my entire existence, without you I'd be useless, without you I'd die. You are the greatest part about living in this world." Bella whispers before sealing her words with a kiss.

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