Pt. 1

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"Gotta hurry.. Gotta hurry I'm going to be so late" Lily thought to herself as she speed walked to the little cafe that she works at. She was mentally scolding herself for staying up all night last night watching marathons of Worst Chefs in America. Its not like working at the cafe was her dream job or anything but her boss Ms.Kim was a major ass that would jump at the opportunity to fire Lily for even being a minute late. A new planetarium was opening up in a few weeks maybe she would apply for a position. She was much more interested in telling people about the vast universe then pouring them a mocha latte with extra cream. Coming up to a crosswalk she proceeds to look both ways and makes her way hastily across the road suddenly a loud creaky is heard over her head she stops a moment instinctually and takes a look up to see what it is her eyes widen seeing a bright yellow traffic light falling towards her it falls so fast she had no time to dodge or think. It hit straight on top of her head knocking her to the ground and out cold on the spot, nearby people yell and rush to her aid calling the police getting her help as fast as they can. It's been 2 weeks and she's still in the hospital unconscious and healing from the hard hit to the head her mom sits by her bedside holding her hand "why do you always have to make me worry with the unlucky situations you get yourself into" her mom thinks aloud. Of course something like this would happen to her she had the worst luck ever since her birth Lily's mom alone has been putting up with these types of situations, unfortunate and unlucky situations they all were and they always seem to follow Lily wherever she went. She decided to leave Lily father before she was born and has been a single parent ever since. It hasn't been easy with the constant medical bills but she made it work "I mean who just has a traffic light fall on them?!.. is it a normal thing that happens to people?!" her mom question is aloud still in shock about the whole situation rubbing both her hands down her face. She looks up at the ceiling closing her eyes it wouldn't hurt to say alittle prayer for her daughter she's done it on many occasions but nothing ever seems to change "I just wish you didn't have to go through these types of things Lily I wish you didn't have to worry about your life in danger all the time that would be a miracle in itself" she quickly wipes her cheeks of tears trying to stay hopeful. She stands up realizing she had to get ready for work soon "Get well soon Lily I'll stop by again after work" she leans over kissing Lily's forehead and walks out the door slowly closing it behind her. A few minutes after she leaves a bright orb begins to shine brightly in the middle of the room into the shape of a man he had porcelain skin with blonde hair styled perfectly blue eyes and he was wearing an all white suits. He walked over to Lily's bedside pushing the black bangs off her closed eyes "Lily Freeman you'll never have to worry about danger again I'll be your miracle" smiling softly he hovers his hand over her head for a few seconds "That should do it" he says to himself before then backing away slowly disappearing into thin air as quickly as he came he was gone. All of a sudden Lily's brown eyes pop open she sits straight up in the bed gasping for air the machine she's hooked up to start beeping loudly ringing in her ears doctors start to rush into the room checking over her vitals all while she sits still dazed and confused.

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