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‘What about her?’ I asked after a while of silence.

After the shocking confession, I had sat back on the hood of the car, Chris sitting beside me, leaving a considerable space between us. I still couldn’t wrap my head Chris liking me, despite the fact that it had passed my thoughts a while back. A million questions were going through my head... When did he start liking me? How did he start liking me? Why was he still with Debby? Did he like her too? Where did that leave us?

I heard him sigh beside me but I couldn’t muster enough courage to look at him yet. But I could still see him from the apple of my eye as he shifted to sit up on the hood, looking up at the sky.

‘Debby and I... when we got together, it wasn’t because we were crazy for each other. She’d just been dumped by her boyfriend and she wasn’t in a good place. I’d known her for a little bit over a month and we were friends of some sort,’ he said. I was a little confused but I didn’t interrupt as he went on talking. ‘So one day, out of nowhere, she asks me to be her boyfriend...she um, she has trouble staying alone...because she’s kinda all alone, her parents died when she was 8 and she lives with her grandma.

‘When she asked me, I knew why she did and so I accepted. But she made this condition; if any of us were to find someone we’d want to be with then we should let it each other go.’

I cast a glance at him before turning to look at my hands. ‘Oh,’ was all I said. What else would I have said? I didn’t expect all this!

‘Say something, Cecelia,’ Chris pleaded, moving to seat closer to me.

I laughed, ‘To be honest, I have nothing to say...really. This wasn’t what I expected you to say.’

Chris chuckled nervously and I turned to look at him with a shy smile, ‘So you like me, huh? Why?’

He returned my smile, ‘I’m not even sure how I began to fall for you. When I realized, I kinda freaked out.’

‘You and me both,’ I murmured, but he heard and chuckled. ‘So what next?’

He shrugged, ‘I don’t know...I didn’t plan to confess,’ he rubbed the back of his neck.

It was getting pretty awkward and I didn’t like it.

‘I’m going to get a soda or something,’ I said, jumping off the hood and going to the back, where the cooler.

Chris freaking Edwards liked me! I thought, doing a little dance, a stupid grin appearing on my face. What were the odds of that?

I took out a can and opened it, my mind still on the wonder that was Chris. If he really did like me...where did that leave us? Like seriously... Technically he was still together with nothing was going to happen until that is sorted out, even if it wasn’t a real thing they had going on.

I thought back on the time I first saw Debby...they didn’t look like they were not together at all, in the sense that it was all pretend. Maybe they were just putting up a show for Mrs Watson.

I gulped down the soda, not really because I was thirsty or anything but because I was beginning to feel anxious. So what would happen if he did break up with Debby? Would he ask me out? Do I want him to ask me out?

The soda had a little tart taste beneath the cherry-pineapple taste but I thought nothing of it as the stream of questions filled my mind. Other people would call it over thinking... I chose to call it ‘looking at things from different angles.’

When I finished the can of soda, I decided to go back and face Chris and hear him out. Grabbing two more cans from the cooler, I stood up rather quickly and felt a little light headed.

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