Menma Uchiha

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Menma then walked a little bit to be close to Naruto. The two locked eye contact for a while and Naruto noticed that Menma had the same whiskers on his cheek like him and was confused. Who was he and why does he look like him.

Menma: As you said... Introductions are in Order. My partner over there is Hayada Osarari. Former Hidden Steam Ninja. I am Menma Uchiha.

Naruto:....How do you know who I am?

Menma: Oh the answer is quite simple....Naruto, You and Naruko... are my step siblings...

On to the Chapter:

Naruto and his allies watched as Menma admitted not only was he a Uchiha but he was also Naruto and Naruko's long lost step sibling? Sakura and Kiba were confused but not as much as Sasuke and Naruto was.

Sasuke: What the hell are you on? You're an Uchiha but your Naruto's sibling?

Kiba: Last I check, Lord Fourth had only two children.

Menma: It's the truth...but instead of telling you...why don't I show you.

Menma then pulled out a Kunai that was made just like Minato's. Naruto's eyes widen at the sight of it and Sasuke looked at Naruto seeing that he was shooked which made Sasuke a little scared that theses intruders may be too much for them. Kiba and Akamaru ran at Menma and Hayada.

Sakura: Hey! What are you doing?

Kiba: Let's Go Akamaru!

Akamaru: Woof Woof (Let's go Kiba!)


The two charged at the intruders with their tunneling attack but Menma and Hayada simply moved to the side and the Inazuka kid was ran into a wall. Kiba groaned in pain as he rubbed his head and Akamaru whined as well. Adriana sighed going to help him.

Hayada: Well we've been spotted Menma. So now what?

Menma: I'll take on my brothers. You can do what you want with the others.

Menma then began to fix his sleeve while walking towards Naruto and Sasuke. Hayada smirked nodding as she summoned her weapon of a Giant purple blade of some sort.

 Hayada smirked nodding as she summoned her weapon of a Giant purple blade of some sort

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Adriana gasped as she knows what that sword is. And she couldn't believe it with her eyes that Hayada has a weapon like that.

Adriana: N-No...That can't be...

Sakura: What is it?

Adriana: Now I know why her name is so familiar... She is the Legendary Moon Cutter.

Kiba: Moon cutter?

Hayada: Oh. So even my name is famous here in Konoha. I'm quite honored.

Adriana: Hayada Osarari of Yugakure no Sato, Also known as the Moon Cutter of Yuga. Her blade, Double Moon Sword draws chakra from the moon giving her Unknown power.

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