Reunion at Wave

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Morning had came to the wonderful Hikarigakure no Sato. People who were up at that time were getting ready for their jobs or ninja duty. For Naruto he was sleeping peacefully after that wild night with his wives. He then felt heavy weight on him and that slowly woke him up. He looked up to see Seruna and Yaguito sitting on him while waiting for him to wake up.

Naruto: Y-Yaguito? Seruna? What are you two doing here? Hehe

Seruna: Um. It's uhh

Yaguito: It's 11:30 Dad.

Hearing the time, Naruto jumped out of his bed and panicked. He was gonna be late meeting with Sasuke and Kiba so they could go to Kirigakure to meet the Mizukage. He had went to the bathroom and got changed and quickly washed himself. He then went to the kitchen to see Karin, Sara, and Fuuka making breakfast for the remaining kids that was there.

Shin: Finally awake father?

Naruto: Yeah sorry. Wish I can talk and chat but I'm about to be late.

Dilan: Hey hey. Dad. Relax. We took care of getting everything ready for you.

Naruto looked at his stuff and he sighed happily as he looked at them.

Karin: Natsuto, Amira and Narumi already went to school.

Sara: Diluc went to go back to Falcon Coast. And the others went shopping.

Naruto: Oh. Okay then.

Naruto then got dressed in his usual Hikakage Attire and Fuuka helped him fix the crook on his shirt and kissed him. The other wives did the same and everyone else waved goodbye as he left and went to go to the Village gate to meet Sasuke and Kiba.

Jaguto: Well, I'm off to go to Madarine's place.

Ryan: You always seem to go there. Why can't you tell her you like her?

Shin: I mean we all see that bro.

Jaguto: Shut up. It's not even like that.

Jaguto then turned around and walked out the house while holding his blush. Meanwhile Sasuke and Kiba were currently waiting for Naruto and during their wait, they had seen Isaribi leave with her team to go to Suna and they wished her safe travels. After 30 minutes, Naruto had finally arrived. Both Sasuke and Kiba were pissed that he was late.

Sasuke: Oi Dobe, you are late.

Kiba: Not even late, you were super late. What the hell man?

Naruto: Sorry sorry. I had...Umm slept late.

Sasuke: I see, you were too busy having a good time you couldn't say stop to them?

Naruto blushed knowing what Sasuke meant and he wanted to hit him but he kept his cool.

Naruto: Shut up. Okay we're all here right? So enough talking about my tardiness, and let's get going to Kiri.

The three then began their journey to Kiri. It was a long journey and Naruto decided to take a quick stop at the Land of Waves to meet Inari and his family. When Inari heard the Hikakage was coming to the land of waves, he had the whole town preparing for his welcome.


Naruto, Sasuke and Kiba had arrived to the border of the land of waves and just from the view, they really changed the place. The Great Naruto Bridge was still there but it looked like there were some confetti and balloons and the while town at the bridge.

Kiba: What's going on over there?

Sasuke: Seems word has reached to them that we were stopping here.

Naruto: Well. Let's not keep them waiting then.

The three nodded as they headed for the Great Naruto Bridge and there everyone welcomed the Hikakage. Most young women was wanting to touch him, some of the men wanted to be like him. But mostly the children were all waving and shouting to get his attention and wave at him. Naruto couldn't hold himself back and just smiled and waved at all the children and everyone else. Everyone welcoming the three made Naruto feel a little flustered. Then there was a familiar face in front of Naruto and Sasuke as they never thought to see him again.

 Then there was a familiar face in front of Naruto and Sasuke as they never thought to see him again

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Inari: Lord Hikakage! Your visit is most unexpected yet appreciated.

Sasuke: Well I'll be. Inari, is that you?

Inari looked at Sauske and gasped not thinking that was Sasuke.

Inari: Sasuke!? Wow look at you!

Sasuke: You've grown. Don't you think Naruto?

Inari's eyes widen when hearing that name and looking at the Hikakage who soon revealed his face when taking his hat off. Almost everyone cheered and screamed his name.

Inari: N-Naruto?

Naruto: Look at you Inari. You've grown. And not only that, you seem to be doing great for yourself.

Inari couldn't stop himself and embraced Naruto in a hug as he missed him. Naruto chuckled and hugged him. And in the time that Naruto, Sasuke and Kiba spent in Wave, they stayed at Inari's house where he still lived with his mom. Inari then told them he was now the new leader of Wave and had given people new hope of encouragement. Ever since Gato invaded Wave and they stopped him, more gangs tried to take over wave since it was a weak village but thanks to Tanuza and Inari they held their own. But sadly Tanuza the bridge builder had passed away several months ago. Due to a heart illness he couldn't fight off, he had died. But even with his death, Inari made it his job to protect wave. He even went to troubles to cutting ties with Konoha after hearing that Naruto left and they were doing fine. Later that day, Naruto and his group had rested so that they could continue their trip to Kiri.

Timeskip to Sunset:

Naruto, Sasuke and Kiba were well rested and ready to leave. Inari and his mom wished they could stay a little longer but they Understood why they needed to go. Naruto promised Inari that when all is done, he will come back and visit and bring his family to meet Inari. This Inari was excited to meet Naruto's family one day and promised to stay alive until that time comes. Then everyone else waved at the three as they left.

Sasuke: If we go this route we'll make it to Kiri by night fall.

Kiba: But going there means that robbers and rouge ninja will be after us. Not that's a problem.

Naruto: We'll go that route then.

The two nodded as they followed Naruto to the path that Sasuke pointed out so that they could meet with the Mizukage.


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