Times are changing

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It was a rainy day here in Hikarigakure no Sato, everyone was dressed in black and appeared to be attending a funeral. Oh wait, We're going a little too fast are we? Let's backtrack what happened.


Naruto had the following in his office, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Sakura, and Zabuza.

Sasuke: You summoned us Naruto?

Naruto: Yes...I believe we will have to move our plans faster than expected.

Sakura: Why's that?

Naruto: I just got reports from one of our Hikari ninja that Itachi, Jamal, Choji, Ino, their daughter, Izumi, and Shizune are on their way to our village.

This made Sasuke happy to see his brother again and the others but his excitement was short lived as he seen the look on Naruto's face.

Zabuza: From the sounds of this report. They are being hunted or chased?

Naruto: That's my assumption. And that's where you guys come in. Your mission is to protect them, bring them to Hikari safely and kill anyone that tried to stop you.

All: Hai Hikakage!

Naruto: And make sure you all come back safe and sound.

They all nodded before getting ready for the mission. Almost 50 minutes later, the said group were getting closer to the border of Hikarigakure and Itachi seen the signs that Naruto and Sasuke left for him for when they ever decided to come to the village.

Itachi: This way!

The others nodded and followed. Some fell asleep and was being carried like Chino, Shizune and Izumi. As they were getting closer and closer, Obito sensed Konoha ninja following them and cursed.

Obito: Looks like Danzo isn't wasting time. He wants to use us to find Hikarigakure.

Jamal and Itachi looked at each other as they nodded.

Jamal: Choji.

Choji ran to Jamal to keep up with him while talking.

Choji: Yeah?

Jamal: Take Shizune for me will ya?

Choji: W-Why? What are you gonna do?

Jamal: I'm gonna buy us some time.

Obito: Not alone you're not. You will get killed out there.

Jamal: I'll be fine Obito. Besides you and I both know who is stronger.

Itachi: It's best for us that way. I trust my student.

Obito sighed and just let it go as he continued running and Choji took Shizune off of Jamal so he could lag behind and fight the Konoha Root Ninja following them. And so Jamal was left by himself to fight 10 Root Ninja. Was it hard for him? Yes as he did not only want to use a lot of chakra but he didn't want to draw a lot of attention as well. He did his best to hold them back and make them all focus on him. And so the young Uchiha began to use one Justu to make them all get caught on it.


He then spat the fire out from his mouth and it covered a wide area Which caught some of the Root Ninja on fire and the others retreated back before throwing explosive tags at Jamal. But thanks to his Sharingan,  he could detect that a mile away. He jumped out the way before going head to head with the remaining 4 root ninja. The battle continued for a while and Jamal was slowly losing strength, stamina, and chakra. The root ninja eventually surrounded him.

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