First Mission

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Naruto woke up the following day as his sisters were waking him up. He slowly woke up and seen all of them smiling at him. Naruto slowly sat up and hugged Ren.

Adriana: Morning little bro.

Naruto: H-Hey...Umm why are you all in my room?

Aiko: Isn't it obvious silly? We were all trying to wake you up.

Naruto: O-Oh... Why?

Adriana: Because. You sir are one heavy sleeper. Mom and dad has
been trying to wake you up for a good hour or so. And we've been waking you up for almost 30 minutes.

Ren: How do you do it?

Naruto: I...I don't know...I guess I like sleeping in?

Aiko: Well whatever. Come on. We have to go.

Naruto: Ehh?

Aiko: We have a mission. And we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up.

Naruto nodded and got up and began to freshen up. He then left the house with Aiko and they quickly made their way to Obito and Kakashi to see the other teammates. Sakura and Naruko seen the two and didn't like them as they believed they were a bother to them trying to get Sasuke. Naruto only scoffed at them and just leaned on the wall. Aiko doing the same. Sakura then walked up to the two.


Naruto: Overslept? Why you care?

Sakura didn't like his answer and
ran to hit him but only to see Aiko punch her and she fell. Naruto chuckled and then exchanged stares with Sasuke. For a while he and Sasuke were pretty chill. None of them hated each other but none of them liked each other as well. But they respected each other. Kakashi then put his book down to explain their mission.

Kakashi: Well today we have a new mission.

Naruko: Yes! What is it?

Obito: We are to escort a bridge builder back to his village in the land of waves.

Kakashi: This will take us a couple of days to complete. So I want you all to pack a week worth of clothes, food, and other supplies.

The team then began to head out back to their homes to pack but Naruto was left to stay behind as Obito wanted to talk to him. The two went somewhere private and Obito then began to speak.

Obito: I've been watching you for a while Naruto. Mainly of how you train. Along with your sister. Naruko.


Obito: I know this is not what you wanted to hear. But that's not what I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you that for this mission, there has been rumors...about another Jinjuriki. Just like you and Rin.

Naruto: Rin sensei is a...Jinjuriki like me?

Obito: Yes. She carries the Three Tails. While you hold the Nine Tails. Anyway. I want to help you take your training to the next level.

Naruto: Ok. But how? And what about that other Jinjuriki you told me about?

Obito: This training method is definitely for you if you happened to run into the Jinjuriki.

He then took out a slip of paper and gave it to Naruto. Naruto read about this, he was holding a chakra paper that tells him what chakra affinities he has by just pouring chakra into the paper. He did exactly that and after a while the paper splited in half, then one half of the paper was glowing while the other was turning into a shadow. Obito saw this and was amazed. He only seen it happen once in his lifetime and that was from a friend who he met a long time ago.

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