Meeting Tsusho Nario

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It was the middle of the night, and Sakura Haruno was doing some late night hospital work. Being as she runs not only one but three hospital's of Hikari, she was really working a lot so she didn't have time off unless it was a holiday or it was Sunday. Her only two days off. Two of her employees had knocked on her office door and Sakura gave them permission to enter. The the employees turned out to be a black haired male and a purple haired female. The female was a bit taller than the male.

 The female was a bit taller than the male

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The Female's name was Kimari Ushi and the Male's name was Tighnarah Rai

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The Female's name was Kimari Ushi and the Male's name was Tighnarah Rai. Sakura sighed softly and happily watching her two favorite employees come to her office.

Sakura: Ah Kimari, Tighnarah, what brings you two to my office this late?

Tighnarah: Well as my colleague and I were about to clock out, we had an emergency patient.

Kimari: And with everyone else heading home already, we were the only ones here to help him.

Sakura began to get up from her seat and walk with her employees to the room where the patient was at.

Sakura: What's his status?

Tighnarah: Conscious and barely breathing.

Kimari: Our Hikari ninja brought him here after scouting and they found him lying on the ground near our village.

Sakura: What are his wounds like?

Tighnarah: Heavy flesh wounds and deep cuts. Whoever was chasing him must've been really good at Kenjutsu.

Sakura: Alright. Let's see what we're dealing with.

Sakura then put on her nurse outfit and got ready to take a look at the said patient. As she entered the room with Kimari and Tighnarah following her, they saw the male that was brought in.

 As she entered the room with Kimari and Tighnarah following her, they saw the male that was brought in

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Sakura: Do we have a name for him?

Kimari: No ma'am.

Sakura: That's fine. Let me check his vitals.

Sakura then began to take the Male's left arm and feel his veins, and checked for a pulse when squeezing it a bit. She found one. It was barely there as she came to the conclusion that he was slowly dying.

Sakura: I need a full X-ray of his body. Both of his organs and his skeleton photo.

Tighnarah nodded and went ahead to fire up the X-ray machine so he could get her what she needed. The said male then began to take the X-Rays both one with his Organs and the other with his skeleton. With both photos printed and clear as it can be, Tighnarah showed Sakura the photos and she began to observe what was causing him to die. She then noticed purple and red velvet dots all around his veins and where his heart was pumping blood into the body.

Sakura: It's poison. Whoever attacked him not only made these wounds but they targeted where his veins were and somehow injected the poison into his body without him knowing. At this rate it will only take a matter of minutes for his body to shut down and give up on him.

Kimari: What should we do ma'am?

Sakura: I'm gonna need some anti-poisons, clear fluids, and a mixture of edible herbal plants.

Kimari: Yes Ma'am.

30 minutes later

The treatment was a success, the man Kimari and Tighnarah brought in was saved. And he began to groan and slowly woke up looking around wondering where he was. It was at that time Sakura came into the room to check on him and she saw that he was awake.

Sakura: Oh. You're awake. How are you feeling sir?

???: I...I feel fine. wait where am I?

Sakura: You are in the hospital of Hikarigakure no Sato. My name is Sakura Haruno. I'm the one who helped take care of you. My colleagues Kimari and Tighnarah brought you in after Hikari ninja found you unconscious near our village.

???: Hikarigakure...

Sakura: Do you have a name sir?

Tsusho: Tsusho.... Tsusho Nario.

Sakura: Well Mr. Mario, do you remember what happened before you were injured?

Tsusho tried to recall what happened before he was unconscious. It took a while but he began to remember what happened.

Tsusho: Hayada....

Sakura: Huh? What about Hayada?

Tsusho: Hayada Osarari, she and another woman who appeared as her sister came to my village. Asking and demanding money and weapons.

Sakura: Weapons? Why weapons?

Tsusho: I'm from a small village called Kengakure no Sato. The Blade Village.

Sakura: Wait...I heard about you guys. You're the people that sell weapons and the raw materials to TenTen.

Tsusho: Yes. But no that village is no more. Hayada and her sister Hayataki attacked our village, took most of our supplies for making the weapons and ran off to some guy Menma Uchiha?

Sakura flinched at the name Menma and sighed before patting Tsusho's arm.

Sakura: It's gonna be okay Mr. Nario. Get some rest and I'll take you to the Hikakage to report this.

Tsusho nodded slowly and laid back down on his hospital bed before slowly drifting to sleep and Sakura leaving the room. Kimari and Tighnarah we're outside the door and listening in, and waiting for Sakura's orders.

Sakura: You two can go ahead and go home. I'm gonna finish this last paperwork and then head home myself.

Kimari: Yes Ma'am.

Tighnarah: What about him?

Sakura: Tsusho will be fine here. I will check on him before I leave for the night. Tomorrow though I will need one of you to run the Hospital in my place while I go talk to Lord Hikakage.

They both looked at each other before nodding and they left, going their way.


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