Prepare for Change

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Back to the Present:

Shizune had held her tears before she wiped what tears that came out her eyes. Jamal listening to the story didn't know what to say. After hearing this, this was definitely gonna be his new Objective; to find Menma and rescue Tsunade.

Jamal: And how did you survive?

Shizune: some fishermen found me floating a shore. They took me and had healed most of my wounds. I had to stay there for several weeks until I was fully healed and I can move around.

Jamal: I..I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your uncle and what you had to go through.

Shizune: Th-thank you...but um.. you don't happen to have spare clothes. Do you?

Jamal then reached to his pocket and took out a scroll and gave it to her. The scroll was Orange and brown and had writing on it that simply said "Spare".

Jamal: I always pack a spare change of clothes before going on missions just incase anything happens to what I'm currently wearing. But I can give you these. It's not much. It may be slightly bigger than the size you wear but-

Shizune stopped him as she thanked him and she opened the scroll. Jamal stood up and left so she could change in private. In the scroll was a Black and dark red shirt with the Uchiha Clan symbol on the back. Some black Anbu pants with another pair of Anbu shoes. Jamal went to the other two Uchiha that was actually looking for him.

Obito: There you are. We're have you been?

Jamal: I've been looking for clues. What about you?

Obito: We've been looking for clues too. But not as long as you have been looking-

Fugasaku: Enough. Now tell me Jamal, what did you find?

Jamal: More than I thought.

Fugasaku: Well? Go on.

Obito: Is it about Hayataki?

Jamal: Well yes and no. It's about Menma Uchiha and his accomplice, Hayada Osarari.

Ichisu: Well what can you tell us about them?

The Suna private investigator came in the conversation wanting to know more about her enemy.

Jamal: Sorry. We maybe working together on this investigation, but I'm not gonna just share any information like that.

Ichisu: Yeah? Well maybe I can help if you let me.

Fugasaku: It's alright Jamal. Let's just make it that whatever you share, it stays with us.

Jamal: Alright. Well-

Jamal then began to explain to them all of how he met Shizune and told them what she said about Menma and Hayada. This information was to stay with them and Naruto since Jamal, and Obito were technically siding and working for him. Shizune soon came from the visitor center and met the others while thanking Jamal for letting her use his spare clothes.

Ichisu: What are we gonna do about those three?

Obito: Aside from Shizune, Lord Fugasaku, you have fought Hayataki Osarari before. What can you tell us about her?

Fugasaku: Let's see...

With Naruto and the others 5 weeks later:

The time for searching and gather was about over for Naruto and his group and they had great progress. Let's start with Naruto, Not only was he able to get Shion and the people of the Land of Demons to join, but he also got the following people

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