Final Preparations

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It was a new day in Hikarigakure. Naruto had just woken up from bed and saw all his women sleeping on each side of him. He chuckled a bit before slowly getting up and getting himself ready for work. But as he was getting ready, he felt a couple pairs of eyes watching him. He sighed knowing who it was and decided to play along. He continued to act normally before he left to go to the room again. Then the three pairs of eyes that belonged to Natsuto, Dilan, and Boruto went into the room creeping up to Naruto and then Dilan mouthed "Okay. On a count of three." And then he began to countdown from 3 until he held up one finger and the three boys jumped at Naruto and dog piling on him what they didn't know was that the Naruto they caught was just a clone that proofed away. So the boys were just holding onto each other thinking they got Naruto. They soon stopped and realized that Naruto tricked them.

Naruto: Next time boys, don't give yourself away.

Boruto: Aww. I thought you said we would get him this time Dilan.

Dilan: Well it worked when I was little.

Naruto: Key word son, "when you was little"

Natsuto: We'll get you one day Dad!

Naruto: Ha. Good luck with that. Anyway I love to stick around and play with you all but I have to get going.

Dilan: Preparing for the Chunin Exams right?

Naruto: Yeah. I'm guessing Sasuke told you?

Dilan: That and everyone in the village was talking about it.

Naruto: Well this will be our first Chunin Exams and not to mention we will be hosting it. So of course people are gonna talk.

Then Naruto got dressed and ready to head out. Before he left he was given a kiss on the cheek by his daughters Amira and Okara. They said goodbye and Naruto smiled and left for the Hikakage Mansion. Upon arriving there, he saw three people in front of his door. One was a Hikari ninja and the other two were unknown.

 One was a Hikari ninja and the other two were unknown

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Ninja: Lord Hikakage. We've been expecting you. Please allow me to introduce-

Ukataka: I'm Ukataka. I believe we met through our Tailed Beasts per say.

Naruto: Yes. I welcome you Six Tails Jinjuriki.

Naruto then held out his fist for him to bump fist. As Ukataka did it he was given all Naruto's memories and what he plans to do. They eventually let their fists go and Ukataka shed a tear.

Ukataka: I'm sorry for what happened to your adopted family.

Naruto: Thank you.

Then the blonde girl looked at the two like they were a little coo coo.

Ukataka: Ah yes. Allow me to introduce you to my student and my friend. Hotaru.

The woman known as Hotaru bowed her head at Naruto.

Hotaru: Please to meet you sir.

Naruto: Same here. I welcome you two to Hikarigakure no Sato.

Naruto then turned to the Hikari ninja that was waiting for his orders. He then told him he is dismissed and that he will take care of Ukataka and Hotaru. He opened the Mansion and led them to his office. Then they began to speak.

Naruto: I have heard from not only our ninja but from Kuruma himself, that you and Hotaru are wondering ninja. And you have a bounty on your heads.

Ukataka: Yeah...

Naruto: Well I can't force you but I do encourage you to stay here in Hikarigakure. Not only will you be safe but we will appoint you as one of our best ninja and you will have the support of the other Jinjuriki here.

Hotaru: Other Jinjurikis?

Naruto: Yep. We have One Tail, Two Tails, Three, Seven, and Eight. We're just waiting for a response from Four and Five tails which both hail from Iwa.

Ukataka: I have also heard you've been making alliances with the major and minor villages?

Naruto: That's correct. I haven't made an alliance with Iwa or Konoha yet. Reasons being for Iwa, if I show my face then they'll try and wage war since I am biologically Minato's son.

Ukataka: Ah the Yellow Flash of Konoha. Yeah he did make a lot of enemies.

Hotaru: And your reasons for not making an alliance with Konoha?

Naruto: Personal reasons... and also because of the Intel I got.

Ukataka: What Intel?

Naruto: about two days ago my spies had finally left the village after Minato stepped down on being Hokage. He gave the title to a man named Danzo who massacred the Uchiha Clan and took one of my friend's relatives'eyes.

Ukataka was shocked to hear such a man existed. He felt sorry for him and his friends. This was enough for him to want to stay.

Ukataka: Very well. I will stay here in Hikarigakure. But under one condition.

Naruto: And that is?

Ukataka: I want to personally meet the Jinjuriki you rallied up.

Naruto: If that is all I have to do then that will be no problem. I'll set up a meeting for us to meet. After the Chunin Exams that is.

Ukataka: That is more than good enough for me.

Then the two shook their hands while Hotaru smiled softly watching the alliance they made. Then two people came to the office. Jamal and Sakura.

Naruto: What news do you two have?

Jamal: All preparations for the Chunin Exams are done and ready.

Naruto: Great! And you Sakura?

Sakura: Last night I received a patient from Kengakure.

Naruto: Kengakure? What happened?

Sakura: In his own words, he said Hayada and Hayataki invaded the village, took their weapons and funds they made from selling their weapons.

This shocked Naruto as he sighed before looking at the table then back at the others. He had a plan.

Naruto: Bring me Jaguto, Yaguito, Madarine, and Sasuki.

Sakura nodded and left to go find Naruto's kids and Sasuke's kids.


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