Chapter 26 : Last sleep. (FINAL.)

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It's been years, Venti awoken from his minute nap. He stretched as the sun peaked through his small window above his bed. Stretching then forcing himself to get up though his bed was awfully comfortable. Slipping his foot into his dragon slippers, he walked to the bathroom to refresh himself from his drowsiness, his face stroking his face as he noticed his eye bags had darken recently. Slightly ignoring the fact he had troubles sleeping since the incident.

Venti stepped out of the bathroom to his kitchen, connecting to the living area. He opened his fridge to only see eggs and frozen water. He reminded himself to visit the market as he was running out of nourishments. Venti let out an empty sigh, closing the fridge. He strolled over to his living room and caught sight of the sleeping boy, he nervously showed a gentle smiled.

"Good afternoon my yaksha.. you're also tired huh." The bard chuckled.

Xiao laid on the torn brown couch, having slept throughout most his days though Venti didn't mind. The bard noticed the flower crown he makes for the adeptus becoming tired and dry, making another mental note to craft another flower crown for Xiao. Maybe this time a mix of qingxins and cecilias. Xiao seemed to have taken a liking to sleeping, Hu Tao respected that as not to host a funeral since Xiao never wanted one, nor did Venti.

"My hair grew back! Now we can match braids!"
He exclaimed excitedly, still.. the memories of the time. He didn't mutter a word about it, moving onto something else he had been working on.

"Would like to hear a new song I've been writing?"

No response as per usual, Venti nodded as he left Xiao alone in the living room. Soon the bard returned with his flute.

"I noticed you seemed to enjoy to flute so, I decided to conduct a tune that has its own poem!" Venti explained enthusiastically, he positioned the flute as his lips joined with the instrument. As the melodies escaped the space from the blue flute, compliment with cotton blue. His eyes shut just like the yaksha's, these notes calming both ears; pleasing them however it soon came to an end like the yaksha.

"Knocking on the door,
he came, he bore.
They laughed,
and he left.
Xiao searches,
as the other merges.
The pink unknown overwhelms,
once the yaksha dwells.
They reunite with a fight,
one in fright,
his last confession is left unreturned,
as the bard curbed.
A shot released,
As the bard grieved.
Now he still awaits for a sign
while the other stays in a dine."

Venti completed his poem, glancing back at Atlas. "How was it Xiao?" He smiles at the sleeping boy, "I guess you're still tired, just wake up soon." He weakly smiled, kissing his purple gem on his forehead then sleeping on the floor next to Xiao.

"I'll see you soon.."

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