Chapter 23 : I'm sorry.

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All was scampering around town, investigating every spot in Liyue. His breaths were hefty as his eyes gawk amongst to the citizens of Liyue. Xiao fears and wonders, where could this bard have journeyed off to. The rest of the Adepti Clan went searching for Venti as well. The yaksha has no clue, he only remembered to keep on running and running and running. It felt like that exact night terror. Sprinting to nowhere, he just wished to find the boy.

Xiao unexpectedly found himself in the woods, he must've left the Liyue city to the outside. The adeptus was worn out, grasping for his breath and glancing at every corner he finds. Nothing to avail. He tiredly limps over to a big stone and lays down to rest.

Gazing at the night sky, the yaksha notices the stars, glomming in the murky place of what we call, space.

'I'm sorry...'

'I'm so fucking sorry..'

Xiao repeats and repeats again. The tears roll down on his pale complexion,

'Please.. come back.'

'I'm begging you.'

'Come back..'

'Where did you go..'

'Why did you leave...'

The adepti sulks over the boy, pondering and pondering. Why must Venti have shot himself and suddenly disappear again.

'I'm sorry.. please..'

A loud sudden explosion was heard, Xiao got up and saw the sky. A red smoke was flowing through the wind, he rubbed his tears away and dashed over to where the smoke was located.

He finds Yanfei and his sister, they both have just defeated an agent.

"Y-Your bombs are awfully powerful.."

"There's a reason I was once in this clan." Yanfei replies and catches a glance of Xiao, stalking behind a hallow tree.


He rushes over, "Have you guys found anything." The yaksha desperately asks. Hu Tao looks to her brother, and points foward. "You tell me." She said with a smirky smile.

The boy looks foward and notices from afar an odd building. He looks at it with confusion, "Childe told us where the headquarters of the Fatui clan was but we're only here to distract." Yanfei explained, It made sense to the adeptus. One question however he had

"Why didn't you guys tell me."
"You ran off before we could even make a plan." Hu Tao replied, Xiao gets slightly embarrassed but rolls his eyes to cover the fact.

"Whatever. You guys said we're here to distract?" Both of the girls nodded, "Then where are the guards?"

"Maybe they were called in because Childe and Zhongli has just broke in." Hu Tao again points to the building as it has flashing red like some sort of disco party. Alarming Xiao, he ran towards the headquarters. Both of the girls followed behind, yelling his name to slow down.

He encountered a few guards but he easily wounded them by stabbing them in the thigh, arm, or even neck. Xiao was met at the entrance however struggled to open the door. Frustrated, the yaksha pulled out his gun from his pocket then shot at the door. Holes were made and he tried to stretched them out for him to be able to fit through.

"Let me help."

Yanfei told as she took out a few bombs, warning everyone to stay back. She quickly placed the bombs and lit up a fire match. The green-eyed girl threw it and ran to the two. A large bang was made as the entrance was broken down, Xiao looked up and saw a staircase.

Again, leaving behind his sister and her girlfriend. Xiao ran up to stairs to see unconscious and wounded bodies laying on the floor. He dismissed it and kept roaming around the building. He stood there, skimming every area in the headquarters as footsteps approached him from behind. He jerked and turn around with a knife in his hand to only see Hu Tao and Yanfei.

"You're jumpy." Cherry teased,
"How could I not be." The boy answered back.

"You're more emotional these days."


"Let's hope we find Venti." Hu Tao sincerely smiled. For once, Xiao wasn't annoyed by his sister. He nods and hides a smile,

"Wait shhhhh." The salmon haired lady whispered. As the siblings went silent, distant grunts could be heard.

"That way." Yanfei points to a closed off door. The trio sprinted towards the door. Xiao attempts to open it but was met with disappointment.

'Of course.'

He banged on the door aggressively,
"Calm down!!" Hu Tao says.
"How can I be fucking calm when Venti is probably in there!" The adepti arrogantly scolds. His knuckles began to numb and swell, the iron door was defensively indestructible.
"Hand me one of of bombs." Xiao states. "That won't wor-" "JUST DO IT ALREADY." He yells at Yanfei, his emotions getting the better of him. As the Hu Tao's girlfriend was about to pass her crafts of explosives, the door was cut open from a sturdy sword. Revealing the man, Childe himself wielding the weapon with slight torn clothes and his mask on, and behind that was the male brunette, battling between.. the lady. The white arrogant woman who had a rough russian accent.

Xiao himself remembered such a person, his fury grew before Childe could explain the situation. It had seem the lady noticed the back ups as a muffled chuckled could be heard from afar. "Ha! Pathetic.. bringing up some low-lifes to save your incompetent skills?" The woman spoke as she got closer and closer to a glass clear case, hard to see from a far view; making the yaksha step forward with a knife in his mouth and a gun in his hands, he was ready for war.

A / N : OKAY I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG,, I WAS REALLY PROCRASTINATING AND ALSO SCHOOL IS A PAIN IN THE A- SO UM LESS UPDATES FROM NOW ON !! SORRY IN ADVANCE <33 also ty for 2.6k reads ??! i love you all so much [ also just a question,, does anyone here ship dottolisa aka dottore x lisa,, just curious bc recently been obsessed w/ it ] now byebye !!

word count : 1018

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