Chapter 8 : Trust?

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Multiple attempts of grasping his breathe were made. He bent down; trying to gain back some stamina.

"No .. fair ! You can .. teleport .. !" Venti yelled to his co-worker, Parlour.

"It's not teleporting silly! It's called lending help from the butterflies. I've always had this ability but it's rather quite the disadvantage in speed. Still being able to disappear, I'm the slowest amongst the Adepti members!"

She quickly explained to her competitor. Though that made no sense to Venti, he thought nothing of it then a weird ability but quite useful in complex situations.

"Now come on! We are already close so we can just walk." She lent out a hand and Venti gladly accepted.

Footsteps echos down the darkened alley way. Approaching closer to their destination of the base, once one was close enough muffled chatter seeped through the cracks of the walls. Parlour leaned her ear to the border to comprehend what was being spoken about. The thought of creaking open the door by a slight bit roamed around Bard's mind, even though he was completely aware of the risk of not being able to hear the conversation anymore, he took his chances.

"You can.. WE can trust him! He was-"

The raspy voice and tones of desperation was not something to expect from Adeptus Xiao.

"My vigilant yaksha. You can not trust anyone, not even him. Don't fall into a naive state again my child; won't do good for our clan."

It was Morax's voice, appeared to two were quarrelling about a topic which was anonymous to both Bard and Parlour. Venti had yearned that he'd obtain more information of what they were discussing but, they didn't come true.

"Now then, shall we welcome back Bard and Parlour?" The boss eyes had met the other two standing behind the door. The face and his glare .. He knew, but does he?

"Ah yes! Yahoo, my fellow assassinators!"
Venti stepped into the room with a big smile on his face.

"Hello!~" Came behind Bard as Parlour who as usual had her joyful personality on display. Morax nodded as a greeting whilst Yaksha stared at the two who recently have entered the building.

"Would you two care for a drink of tea?" The leader questioned, standing up from his seat to poach the water. Parlour blehhed from the idea of sipping Morax's bitter tea.

"I'll be fine with water or I could order some food and drinks for all of us." Venti offered while scrolling through his phone.

"Great proposal! I crave some boba right now. Yaksha, you should try it too! Rather then drinking the old's man tea." The recommendation made the Adeptus ponder, a few moments of only water boiling could be heard.

"You never drank boba?! That could be a crime. You're going to drink it no matter what." Venti instantly begin to tap on the phone and Parlour had her head peeking at Bard's phone screen.

"It's a buy one, get one free! Let's go! I want the Thai Milk Tea! Just add some tapioca pearls and ice then that'll be the end of my order." Parlour requests and Bard does precisely what Parlour had wished.

"Wanna guess what Yaksha would be fond of?" Another challenge has approached Venti by the same opponent. It was quite harmless and seemed fun enough,

"Sure! I think I'll be able to get it."

"No way! I've known him longer than you do. But good luck!"

"You're confident."

The only thing Parlour replies with was a smile, more of an evil smirk. Venti altered his view to Yaksha and judged what milk tea he would enjoy.

"Matcha.." Venti whispered to himself. Parlour did hear the little mumble and looked back at Bard.

"Matcha? Good guess! I think otherwise, Yaksha here is probably basic and would want the Bubble Fresh Milk Tea." Venti customised the orders and sent it through.

"Anyone want food?"

" Hmmm nope! I'm pretty sure she cooked some food at home.. "

"She?" That has confused Venti by a subtle bit but figured it wasn't necessary data to keep track of.

"And the all mighty Adeptus Xiao?"

" I have no need to eat such toxic food, I prefer my almond tofu. "

" Fine by me! " A few taps were heard then Venti deactivated his phone and the tea was brewed. Morax walked over with two cups of tea and provided Yaksha one cup, Yaksha did a little bow as to show appreciation and proceeds to sip on his cup of tea.

"So he's aware of the title?" The leader of the Adepti Clan gaze was focused on Yaksha with a smile but it had a look of disappointment. A nod was all that Morax received from Yaksha but there was a lot of fear, hesitation, and shame that came along with it.

"Remember to trust no one."

A/N ; mmmm don't you love school ? totally isn't ruining my time to do more writing pssh it would neverr ah damn it did. yknow what that means ? CHAPTERS WILL COME OUT LESS OFTEN WOOHOO,, on a serious note sorry ( again ) for making everyone wait BUT I GOT C1 XIAO SO YAY anyways i will try my best to upload chapters but for now,, byebye and enjoy your day !! >:D

word count ; 879

Venti's shot ! || xiaoven || genshin impactΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα