Chapter 19 : The Past.

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Everyone looked around the room to see if it was true. It soon revealed the boy, Venti. He stood there awkwardly as the room went silent. He soon became uncomfortable with the amount of attention brought it him so abruptly. Winddust only plastered a weak smile on his face then out of nowhere Yaksha had appear in front of him, using his teleportation skill. The adepti examines all of Venti and soon noticed that some things were off. His posture, his skin and the scars.

"Where are your scars." The yaksha asked emotionlessly. Venti played it off and replied with a simple lie. "What scars?" The grin still there as he answered. Before Xiao was able to say another sentence Hu Tao came rushing in and hugged Venti.

"UWAHHH!! We've been missing you! Your finally back!" She squeeze him and Winddust chuckled with a nod. Cherry let go and began to ask various and amounts of questions, of course her being a curious one.

"Venti.. ?" The bard heard his name and looked to see who had called. That similar sorrow voice .. soft yet gone through so much pain, Lumine. She thought her eyes were lying to her, it was unbelievable. She ran towards him and hugged him as well. Tears leaked out as Venti gently patted her back. "Hey Lumine." He whispered softly, it brought a smile to her face. She let go of the braided boy and wiped the tears away.

"Aether would be so excited to hear the news." Lumine whimpered with a delicate smile. Venti nodded and looked towards Xiao, he seemed annoyed, jealousy perhaps ? He thought of it but found it to be unbelievable. A mere silly thought is what he'd call it. As Venti pondered, the brown haired girl questioned "Yaksha, we're you hallucinating again..?" She asked so softly, quite concernedly.

The yaksha's eyes became wide, he was in disbelief. He couldn't have, it was all true. The angust and the waves of horribly memories flooded into his mind, he soon distracted himself and took a few deep breaths before drowning again in the past.

"Cherry, we don't speak of that here." Their leader, Morax shouted. Hu Tao nodded nervously and mouthed to Xiao 'Sorry.' and winked. He only rolled his eyes and began to again focus on Venti, there were so many questions to be answered yet it seems, the bard wouldn't cooperate.

Though Venti and Lumine were trying to catch up with each other, unexpectedly Xiao pulled Venti's arm and tugged him into his room without looking at the two. Maybe Venti's theory was correct.

He slammed the door shut and locking it down. It was so sudden, slightly frightened Winddust. Then the yaksha pinned down Venti to the wall, chaining Venti's wrist with his bare, frigid hands.

"Woah!! Feisty are we?" Venti joked but the adeptus' eyes scowled. "Where are your scars." He asked again. Xiao wanted to know, he needed to know. Venti though only sighed in disappointment.

"Oh my dear yaksha, I still don't know what you're talking about." Xiao was unsatisfied with Venti's answer. "You called my named. I saw you, that white hair lady, the purple hair guy with a ridiculous big ha-" "Stop." Venti said avoiding eye contact, seems Xiao pushed a button.

"Where are your scars."

"What if I couldn't tell you, what if I'm not free like you Xiao."

For a moment, Xiao is confused yet shocked. Freedom? He had no clue.

"Im bounded by contracts that were scams but I can't break free from these chains." He spoke with a smile, how could Venti smile in a situation like this? Another and another question just bashed through Xiao's mind.

"But let's switch the subject! How about we focus on you~ what did Hu Tao mean by hallucinations?" Venti asked, still maintaining that smile, but it didn't affect Xiao; he knew, it was fake. Yet the question had pushed Xiao's buttons as well.

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