Chapter 6 : Escape.

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"Shut your damn mouth little girl."

They whispered to Venti, more blood leaked out of the dark-blue haired fellow's neck. Venti was confused when he heard the word, girl, and was about to attack him for assuming Bard's gender.

Then all of a sudden, bodies were heard dropping to the floor. The target was just about to turn his view but felt a gun at his head.

"Let go of him." It was the voice of Yaksha or Adeptus Xiao's voice. Venti's adrenaline calmed down a bit to hear his partner attempting to save him.

"He kept his word.." Bard thought and was relieved before he felt a sharp pain in his throat, causing blood to flow out.

Yaksha didn't approve of that; shooting the target's hand out of anger.


The bullet slid through his hand, the pain was unbearable, making him let go of Venti because of that. Venti immediately pulled out his pistol and aimed it that the target's head.

"Why not tell us something about you, and maybe, we will let you survive another night."

They were frightened and started stuttering a whole bunch. Adeptus Xiao couldn't stand it, he pushes Venti out of the way and got closer to him.

"Name, the reason for being in this casino, how you have bodyguards, a reason to free you, and occupation."

Yaksha said in a cold tone, so harshly.

"L-Lei! I was assigned here to gather more information a-about the "Adepti Clan".. a-a group that sent me here offered me, bodyguards, t-to keep me safe.."

They were freaking out and stumbled on their words a lot; struggling to finish his sentences clearly.

"You'll b-be marked as an enemy if you don't free me..! A-and my job is.. a s-spy."

"Useless." The "Adeptus Xiao" pulled the trigger on him, the bullet shot through his skull; blood leaking out as he becomes a lifeless body, a rag doll.

"How is that.."


The braided-hair boy couldn't even finish his sentence. A noisy banging was repeating on the door. Yaksha swipes Venti off his feet and held him in bride's-maid style. Bard looked up to the man carrying him for no reason had spoken.

"Hold on tight." Adeptus Xiao said it so softly and almost like a whisper but Venti didn't say a word, but rather did what Yaksha said in a hurry. He wrapped his arms around to lessen the chances of falling out of Yaksha's arms.

"Slight dizziness is upon you." After hearing that, Venti closed his eyes while bracing to whatever was going to occur. The breeze from the moment of movement Adeptus Xiao was doing, was flowing hard through their hair. Bard peaked his eye open, soon came to realise that they were outside of the casino.

Venti heard a loud detonation happen and saw outbursts at the corner of his eye. He turns his head to get a view of the building and.. his partner blew it up. The police car's flying from the explosion, a tiny bit of blood soaring through the sky, pieces of brick hitting the ground and breaking from impact.

"You left blood indications from your neck, and it was the only quick way to get rid of the evidence."

Venti had almost forgotten about the scars on his neck. He look down but to his surprise, no blood was sipping out.

"I don't recall pulling up my turtle neck?" Venti asserted in a confused tone. He perked up to discover Yaksha with his head turned the other way, and you could distinguish a light faint pink rose colour had formed on his cheeks.

"That information is not needed for you." He mumbled in embarrassment but it was unknown to Venti why he behaved like this. Venti eventually shrugged it off,

"Alright then, but could you um.. let me go..?" Venti requested, slightly humiliated as well.

"R-Right." Yaksha assisted Bard to get on his feet. Venti notice the barely visible pink in his cheeks becoming more apparent. He giggled, finding it amusing or even adorable that the cold-hearted boy was blushing because he was carrying him in a bridesmaid style.

"Well aren't you guys such love birds!~"

A/N : anddd another cliff hanger :) if i continued writing it'll just be a mess also sorry for not posting this earlier,, got lazy and tired BUT IS HERE NOW SO- hopefully you found this interesting ! next chapter may or may not be a bit more lovey-dovey so sorry if y'all aren't into that- anyways have a magnificent day!~ signing out !

word count : 782

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