Chapter 20 : The Trigger.

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Venti soon had fallen into a deep sleep, Xiao picks up on it and laid the aqua-eyed boy on the bed, tucking him to bed. He notice his braids were untangled, letting go of time to admire and gaze at Venti. Soon the memory of the bard's little peck on the lips, the yaksha blushed and looked away from the boy. Xiao took one more peak at the sleeping boy, an urge grew. Unconsciously, he begun getting closer and closer. When they reached a face to face, the adeptus spaced out, too mesmerised by Venti's beauty. He swiftly gave a kiss on Venti's forehead then stepped back, processing what he had just done.

"I GOT THE PHOTO !!!" Wailing was heard from outside then Xiao realises that, his door was creaked open. Embarrassed and enraged, he teleports outside the room; shutting the door to not disturb Venti's slumbering state. He hunts after Hu Tao however she went behind Morax and smirked.

"Remember, one must keep their title, Vigilant Yaksha."

Rex Lapis explained to the adeptus with a smile. He found it silly but also, disappointed. He hadn't entirely trust the bard, feeling uneasy especially when left unsupervised. Though Yanfei was giggling whilst Lumine stood there with a smile.

"Cherry.. don't you dare.." The yaksha threatened whilst Hu tao was taunting him by making kissing faces and eyeing back at the photo she had taken on her phone.

"I will crack your phone and you if you do."

Cherry merely sticked her tongue out and winked, vanishing afterwards.

"Well aren't you and Venti so cute."

Unfamiliar voice spoke, The adeptus veered around and witness the tall ginger standing omnisciently behind Xiao. His ocean blue eyes, not a single spark to be seen, fictitious grin on his face, grey attire with a bit of dull vermilion fabric.

"Everyone, this is Childe." Morax announced.

"Ah, don't worry sensi. Introducing myself isn't a complicated thing to do." 'Childe' said. Yanfei and Hu Tao glanced at him curiously while both Lumine and Xiao behaved cold and felt skeptical of the man.

"I'm Tar-"

"Don't reveal your name." Rex Lapis interrupted.

"But aren't we family?" The blue eyed man quizzed with a sly smirk. The boss stood there silent, his cheeks becoming slightly a rose pink.

"You haven't told them?! Oh we should announce it."

Everyone was confused; especially Cherry and the Yaksha. They looked to Morax, Xiao recognised the face expression, embarrassment.

"Ah .. um, Childe here. We've actually own each other for a while, he's a good supplier of ours. And well.." Rex Lapis lifted his left hand.

It left Xiao speechless, everyone else was also stunned. "So what you're saying is, your gay, re-married and he's our second dad?" Hu Tao stated, the male brunette nodded nervously, a slight smile could be seen on his face.

"Congrats dad! And hello new dad!" The crimsoned eyed girl replied, Xiao only rolled his eyes but was glad for Rex Lapis. "See? Told you it wouldn't turn out bad, your dad was worrying about how you all would be against it." Childe said while hugging Morax, acting quite clingy, the ginger felt glares coming from the yaksha; his response was only a smirk. The dark haired boy only rolled his eyes again.

"Now, you guys wanted some information on Venti?" Childe asked, captivating everyone's attention especially Xiao's.

"You know about him?" Coldly, the adeptus questions. "Of course! Don't you recognise this lady?" He smiles and pulls up a crumbled photo of a tall woman with cream coloured hair, having a dark mask; blinding half of her face, wearing a raven fur coat and a white coloured gown.

The yaksha's eyes widen and stumble back from Childe. "So you have met her, how was she?" The ginger asked innocently. Xiao remains silent, rage filling his body. Childe knew he had pressed a sensitive button. "Y'know, she asked Venti to join the Fatui not out of pity but rather, a gullible test subject." He added, proceeding to throw the photo on the table.

"Test subject .. ?" Yanfei asked concernedly.

"Correct! I'm not going to say much but she wants to revive someone but due to no one wanting to be the first to test, she would have to pick someone." Everyone stood silent, "And sadly, I don't believe that revival thing works. Like look at him! I think they have just put their 8th? Dose in him."

"The amount of torture, the poor fellow. That revival thing is some sort of bright pink liquid, they would use needles to inject it into him and, from what I understand, they probably understood that this injection wasn't working though they didn't care, they're sadistic."

"Aren't you sadistic too?" Lumine hissed, Childe just chuckled but everyone else was shocked, Xiao however, was the most concerned and hurt. His eye were wide, he stares at the floor; not wanting a single person to make eye contact with him. He grippen his fist and began to slightly tremble.

"Y'know, Venti is suffering. I actually used to be on duty to supervise Venti before I became a harbinger. He.. He turns into this, entire different person. All that was teal was that horrid pink. He became more cruel, sadistic, avoiding any sort of social contact and lull. Regardless Signora is looking for that."

"Who's Signora?" Xiao raised a question. His yellow eyes burned with hatred and karma. Childe leaned back on a chair and continued to speak, explaining that she was the head of the harbingers and more of the bard's pain. Xiao couldn't bare to hear more of Venti's suffering. Pity, anger, guilt, terror, all he felt.

"He might've almost attempted suicide after Venti was told he could never leave."

That was the last straw for Xiao, he looked dangerously at Childe, sending a death glare to shut up; it hadn't phased Childe though. The karma seeped through his veins and blood. 'Why would Venti attempt..' Then the yaksha rememberers, he felt the bard alone. He dashed back into the room in hopes, his bard wasn't gone.

The door was slammed open harshly, the walls vibrated from the bang between the wall and door. He wasn't in the bed. 'The bathroom.' The adeptus told himself, running at the door and twisted the knob but it wouldn't open.


Xiao shouts, nothing replied.


The yaksha's worries increased, the bard was silent, or was he still even alive? Banging, pushing, the adepti tried as hard as he could. His desperate attempts weren't working. He decided to break open the door, BANG. The yaksha made it in and saw Venti.

Venti stared at Xiao in horror and fear, his braids practically gone, hair pieces on the floor. One of his eyes being the pink that Childe had once described. The worst part is, the bard held a pistol to his head.

"Xiao.. leave." Venti said, still shocked.

"N-No. I'm not leaving." Xiao was able to manage to reply.

"You don't understand.."

"Put the gun down."

Tears began to pour out again, slight laughter escaped from Venti. Xiao slowly approached the crying boy.

"Get any closer and Ill pull the trigger!!" Venti shouts, shaking in fear. Xiao freezes and looks at the boy.

"I d-don't wan..t to do this, I don't want to.."

The indigo coloured hair boy spoke brokenly, stuttering on his words. Tears falling down as sniffles followed, his legs felt weak from standing with his hand starting to shake. The bard wanted to end it all.

"Itll be better if I do.." Venti hiccups.

"Venti, no.."

He puts one more smile for Xiao.

"Was nice meeting you..!"

A / N : ...

word count : 1289

Venti's shot ! || xiaoven || genshin impactNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ