Chapter 22 : Gone ..?

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WARNING !! MENTIONS OF B!00D + $u!¢¡D£ + D£@+H

That one ringing kept on going, but Xiao's thoughts became louder.

'Confess? What am I even saying...'

It was ridiculous to him regardless, Venti was in a white room. Lying in a hospital bed with multiple bandages and an oxygen mask. At least that's what Xiao thought. All the sobbing the yaksha had done, made him feel drained. The lightheaded sensation overloaded him as his eyelids began to cover his sight.

He found himself standing in an endless white room, wherever he took a step, it would echo and echo. He kept on walking yet had no goal or idea of why he was walking. Xiao looks back and saw blood trails from where he had walked, slowly each drop evaporated. The yaksha looks down to see blood on his hands, shaking from what he saw however he wasn't surprised until,

"It's your fault."

That familiar voice, he looked to his left and saw that same silhouette. Xiao let our a quiet gasp from his sight. Venti. He ran towards the bard though Venti jumped backwards, Xiao was shocked by the boy's reaction. He only realised now that blood was pouring out from Venti's head.


"I shot myself because of you."

The adepti couldn't respond as he felt weak but expressed an anxious and troubled face,

"I am dead because of you, you ruined me."

The tension and silence was clear and disturbing. Xiao opened his mouth yet no sound would wave in the air, the bard stared coldly as the blood began to reach the floor and drip.

"Atlas. Did you want me to die?"

The yaksha's eyes widen, he had begun to relapse. The blinding white room became the blooding red that Venti had shared, the yaksha choked for a breath as more tears dwell and fall just like Xiao. He hit his knee onto the floor and kept muttering and whispering. The bard only tilted his head and walked closer and closer. He bent down to the crying boy, trembling in fear and horror. Venti whispered to the adeptus.

"You're the reason of my death Atlas."

Xiao sat up, he found himself in a hospital room. Strings being connected to his arms in a hospital turquoise gown. A banging headache distracted him from being able to process anything, he concluded that it was another night terror he had experienced. Glancing around the room then the door began to creak open as he saw Hu Tao and Morax peaking through the door. Cherry released a gasp and teleported over to Xiao,

"You're awake!!"


No reply, the yaksha's throat was dry and in pain. Rex Lapis came walking and rubbed his son rough hand but didn't mutter a single word. Hu Tao has a mixed face,

"Childe's visiting Venti and sorting out the mora for Venti's hospital bills."

Xiao eyes slightly sparked, he wondered if the bard had awoken and was okay.

"But.. " His sister couldn't finish her sentence. Morax looked to the petite brunette girl and sighed.


The yaksha already knew what his father was going to say but didn't believe it.

"He's gone."

Rex Lapis quickly announced. The adeptus's eyes widen in doubt, he shook his head. Hu Tao only looked down, same with Morax.


He wouldn't dare believe that it was the truth of this reality. The same ringing returned as things appeared to darken, not realising the tears leaking out. He stayed silent, the yaksha felt his hand being hold.

"I'm sorry Xiao."

Time passes as days were being wasted, Xiao was finally out of the hospital but only stayed in his room, he didn't dare to go to his bathroom. A single glance of the door and he'd lose himself. Another era of depression he had experience, laying in bed and ignoring any sort of help or pain. He endured it as his eyes were left in a blank expression, The yaksha found himself leaving marks on his arm, he relapsed again, and again. Punishment, the adepti thought. Occasional knocking on his door was made as his family members attempted to speak with him through the single door that separated him and the world.

His eye bags had worsen with blood stains left on the floor with his knife on his bedside table, making it easier to reach to punish himself with. His hair becoming more and more messy and his face being tear stained. All Xiao did was ponder the ways he couldn't prevented Venti's death and that experience.. The yaksha despised the word 'Atlas' as it was his name that his mother, or Guizhong, used to call him.

It had been weeks yet Xiao kept on sulking and staring at his wall. A knock was made but Xiao didn't move one bit.

"X-Xiao? It's Jie! Ganyu remember.. ?"

The same soft spoken voice, the adpetus' attention was caught as he looked at his door.

"I heard about it and I apologise about your lose but.. Hu-"

"Shhhh Ill tell him. Xiao!! We can host a funeral for Venti to you feel better."

Xiao rolled his eyes,

"Yknow, Venti told me what he wanted his funeral to look like and I remember him requesting that you have to attend to his funeral!!"

Venti. That name lingers in the yaksha's head. He finally got up in what left like ages, he saw finally looked at his room. Pill bottles open and on the floor, walls having holes from being punched, barely visible blood stains on the table and floor. He looked to his broken mirror. The scars on his arm and neck. The attempts of suicide.. he dismissed it. The adeptus unlocks and opened the door.

"Hi Xiao. C'mon, let's host Venti's funeral." Hu Tao said and gestured. There he saw his fathers, Zhongli and Childe, his older sister, Ganyu and Hu tao, his younger sister.

The yaksha sighed and nodded,
"Do you need help getting dressed?" Ganyu questioned, her light blue hair with black horns. Lavender eyes looked in worry at the adpetus.

"I'm not a baby anymore." Xiao added before slamming the door shut on his family.

He owned various black clothes but decided to dress in the outfit on the first day he met Venti. As he looked at himself one more time, noticing that little horns were growing. He assumed it was from Ganyu and Zhongli. He poked it out of curiosity and nothing happened, he shrugged however was still gloomy over Venti. The memories of that moment replayed in his head on a loop, he wanted to cry but all of his cries had been gone, a sigh escapes then,


Hu Tao slammed the door opened, causing a loud bang and startling the adepti.


A / N ;; ahahah um sorry for taking a while to post this chapter,, had writer block and felt lazy- anywho yes ganyu is also a part of the family !! also idk if Jie is the correct term for the name of an older sister but that's what google told me. nownow i hope you cried or liked this chapter AND TY FOR 2K READS ??? APPRECIATE IT A LOT <3333 but now your favourite author has to go,, byebye ! ~

word count ;; 1217

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