Chapter 24 : Finale.

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It seemed as the woman who fought in heels had rushed over to the unknown clear case, no one had a good dipiction of whatever could possibly lay in that case. "You all are too late.. He's now fully infused!!" She laughed manically yet could tell she was drained from the clashes between Childe and Rex Lapis.

"Signora. Stay away from the case, or else I won't hesitate to shoot you in the head." The ginger confirmed across the room, his serious and intimidating tone hadn't affected Signora as her giggles escape with her hands crawling over the case. She unlocked it as Childe proceed to shoot a bullet, reaching to the woman's left arm. She lets out a groan from the sudden pain, she attempted to ignore the pain and covering the wound with her right hand, the blood beginning to stain her glove. By the time she had already finished opening the case, a sudden silhouette appeared out of thin air, it jumped out as it stared to the eyes of the Adepti Clan. A grin was made as their pink eyes glimmer through the darkness of the room.

"Did you miss me?"

The hair it looked oh so similar to the yaksha, his tone being a joyful yet a hint of mischief could be picked up on, his deceitful smirk was no better, he .. Venti. He was alive. Xiao stared in disbelief as his hands become unsteady. His heart racing at the thought of the bard being actually awake. Everyone else, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Zhongli.. Childe. All were caught off guard as their eyes were wide and maybe, dusted with tears.

"Have fun in hell .."

A quiet mumble.. from Signora as she was found with a detenator. Before anyone could react, a sudden force was exploded from behind of the assembly, they flew from the impact as Xiao and the others hit their head onto something. The explosion blinding the eyes of the people as Venti only stared in amusement. His despicable grin still in tact as Xiao's body rolled in front of him, not to close. Despite the strong and sudden explosion, the amount of endurance the yaksha experience wasn't much compared to it, still having his consciousness.

His head raising as his view was covered with his family, laying on the ground. Mildly grunting as blood leaked out. The adpetus' concern arose, forcing himself to stand up though, it brought it much dizziness however didn't affect him too much. As soon as the dark green haired boy gained balance, standing on his feet, he heard a gun being loaded as he looked to where it came from: Venti. He stared as to where Venti stood with a gunpoint at him with Signora by the navy haired coloured boy.

"All you have to do.. is shoot him." Signora quickly explained, she was limping over as her arm doesn't healed yet. Venti stared at Xiao, he felt hesitant.


The bard remained silent as he didn't yet follow the command of Signora. "Just shoot."
The Yaksha stood there in confusion regardless, quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Signora's forehead. She was quick to react and flinched, just as the adepti was going to pull the trigger, a sudden wind and gunshot was created. The smoke escaped from Venti's gun as it was a warning for the yaksha. His expression was shocked, he was confused as to why Venti was defending the cruel lady.

"W-Why .. "

"Why do you keep going back.. "

Xiao cried out, Venti was stirred with confusion when the question was presented to him.

"I loved you.. but why.. why did this have to happen.. "

Xiao blunts out, causing the bard to lower his gun as he began to be more empathetic, he felt waves a short clips of his memories washing back to his mind.


Venti slowly began to adept to his lost memories, he recalled even his childhood memory.. Xiao had lived in it.


Signora yelled as she brought back his arms up to pointing the gun at the yaksha.

"Just shoot him and then you'll receive your 5 million mora.." She grins, as Venti heard it be remembered,

"What about him.."

"Just shoot him and I'll fucking tell you." Signora gets impatient, Xiao watched in tears as Venti began to become more unsure of what he is doing. Her rage soon overflowed.

"Do it."

Xiao began to get sick of her and standing there, seeing Venti get abused. He couldn't dare to let anyone live after committing a crime like that. He soon pulled the triggered as he felt the world form into a blur, he felt his body fell and his view became bloody.. feeling.. Gone.


word count : 799

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