Chapter 1 : Enterance.

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"There it is~!" Venti told to himself with a smirk on his face which also looked slightly exhausted after struggling to find out where the location was.

He knocked on the door in a rhythm because he thought it would be a fun idea and waited. While Venti was waiting for a person to answer to door, he began fixing up his suit and still is astonished at how formal and stylish it was, but he liked it either way.

After a few minutes, someone unlocked the door and creaks it open. Venti could hardly see the figure but only saw their luminous yellow gaze, glowing through the darkness with his brown pointed pupil in the middle. After a few moments of silence, Venti decided to break the awkward quietness.

"Hello there! I'm ve-.. I mean I'm The Bard." Venti almost forget his leader provided everyone code names to not disclose anyone's identity. The person looming in the shadow behind the door looked up and down at Venti and gave him a glare which gave Venti quivers but hid that sensation pretty nicely and maintained the exact smile on his face.

"Code." The person had finally spoken and their voice sounded deep and rough. Venti was trying to recall the code the leader had appointed to Venti.

"Hmmm... Wasn't it D3S27654?" Venti said with a grin on his face knowing that he got it correct. The person opened the door and instantly pulled Venti into the compartment and quietly shut the door and locked it.

A/N : i am so sorry that it's so short but dw chapter 2 will be made; unless you hate it then uhh my bad ANYWAYS UHHH HAVE AN AMAZING DAY

word count : 289

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