Chatper 12 : Inlove .. ?

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Chirping were loud and audible; waking up the braided hair boy from his slumber. He felt weight on his shoulder, checking to what it may be: Adeptus Xiao.

A smile was plastered onto the bard's face, Venti had enter a state of admiration and adore; Yaksha had looked so peaceful and magnificent. Venti's glaze moved to the window, sunlight beaming through the glass and peeking from the curtains. He felt safe and warm. Unknowingly, Venti slipped his hand and joined his with yaksha's together. But Winddust had decided to stay like this. It was just comfort nothing more, at least that's what Venti would like to think.

Arriving were his intrusive thoughts. He never thought if this was what love was, Venti became clueless and questioned himself. They had just met yet it felt like ages. He may be cruel and cold but it didn't bother Venti at all, maybe .. they had met, once? a quick glance? or in a different life? No matter, confusion is all that filled him, his mind began working of what he views the yaksha as. Maybe.. A kiss to determine it all.

The blanket ruffled as the bed slightly creaking; positioning himself, facing the young yaksha.

"I'm sorry." Venti whispered under his breath. He moves closer to Yaksha's face and stopped for a split second.

"This is a good idea .. right?" Thinking to himself. Suddenly Adeptus Xiao has moved, his eyelids fluttered open to see Winddust being awfully close to his face.

" Uhm.. Goodmorning?" Venti starts to sweat and the tone of his voice become nervous.

Immediately, Adeptus Xiao turned his head away, hiding the pink tone which formed on his face.

"What are you doing.." His raspy but deep and calming voice spoke. Some quick thinking and a lie had came across Venti's mind.

"You had something your hair!" Venti pulled out a little ball of wool and quickly got off the flustered boy.

"Yeah that was not a good idea." He thought to himself. Venti glanced back to the yaksha and seemed he'd had been blushing, that made the bard giggle; it was cute to him.

"Ehe~ my bad." Venti apologised, worried if he had anger the yaksha. But it turned out to be not as bad.

"Just don't do it again.."

"Noted!" Winddust replied with his usual jolly smile. Adeptus Xiao stood up and headed to his bathroom; shutting the door behind him. Venti had assumed he was going to shower so he quietly left the room.

Walking to the main office, Rex Lapis has awoken as well, sitting and sipping on some tea. His attention seemed to be on his cellphone.

"Goodmorning Winddust. Have you slept well?" The tall man greeted.

"Oh why good morning! the sleep was not that bad! Very comfy bed to rest on."

Venti answered, avoiding eye contact because of the recent interaction with Yaksha. It had permanently flustered the two.

"Glad to hear that. Planning to take your leave to go back home?"

"Right! Yes.. I'll be doing that soon. This place feels homey and safe! To me at least."

"Interesting, This building is filled with armed weapons plus bombs scattered around yet you surprisingly like it here."

Venti awkwardly nodded and just smiled, felt that it was the only thing he can do. The boss only went back to his phone regarding but still keeping in mind Venti's comment and starts to struggle of how to use the phone.

Time pass by then the silence that once flood the room, was broken by doors opening.

"Greetings Yaksha." Rex Lapis looked away from this phone to see the young boy.

"Morning." Yaksha responded while stretching, then walk towards the both of Winddust and their leader; taking a seat. Venti took a look to admire the yaksha's outfit of today, but it's more like to be blessed by his beauty. Adeptus Xiao looked at Venti, having a long moment of eye contact. Every little detail about his eyes had been memorised, it was so ..

Something is wrong. It didn't feel right to feel this,

"I'm disobeying something.." The "bard" thought to himself. His heart suffocated, running to the wardrobe room to be left alone; locking the door to make sure no one enters.

"Why why, why do I feel this. I don't want to. I shouldn't fall inlove. But why can't I be inlove ..?"

He sat down against the door, knees covering his face. Coming out of his eyes were tears, he chokes on his breath from the state he is in. Venti has not wished to cry yet they seem to well out no matter what.

"Aw, you don't remember.. what a pity." A sudden unknown voice could be heard except it sounds like him .. Venti looked up to see no one in the room.

"Does .. La Signora ring a bell?~"

A/N : i know i know,, " omg lyreami already posted a new chapter even tho its only been 2 days ?! " i had the motivation so you should thank me /j this chapter was slightly rushed so might be uh— messy ehe,, i just wanted to get this out there so here you go !! ALSO THANK YOU FOR OVER 600 READS ??? <333 i hope everyone has an excellent time and farewell till the next chapter ! <3

word count : 884

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