Chapter 16 : Search ( 3 )

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Darkness was all to see, but maybe it's just a cover. It felt like suffocating, it felt like choking, it felt like floating yet being dragged down. His hair flowed like seaweed as his body only went along with the waves. Those waves filled his ears, the splashes surrounding him. One breathe is all he asked.

"Wake up."
"Wake up."

Finally, he could see the truth. He opened his eyes. First of what caught his attention was bubbles. He realised his situation and desperately swam to the top. His head was out of the water and he coughed out the water that entered his body. It was freezing, he was in an unfamiliar area but that wasn't important. Yaksha saw land and instantly went swimming to it.

The adeptus took a few moments to catch his breathe that he almost lost. Gazing around his surroundings, he confirmed that he was nowhere near where he was before.

"Those bastards threw me into the sea." He thought to himself.

Yaksha was completely soaked and slightly cold but it was nothing compared to where he last lived and served; dragonspine. He didn't enjoy the memories back there and wished to not visit the past. Unexpectedly, he heard someone call out his name and he immediately teleported to them; not thinking of who it could be.

"There you ar- my my! You're soaking wet! Did you get teleported to a river??"

"Some random fucks probably threw me into the ocean. Bunch of bastards." He mumbles, obviously pissed of that them.

"Well did you see Venti?"

That reminded Adeptus Xiao. What he saw, the state of where he was in. Venti was clearly tortured, but why? Thats a question had confused Yaksha.


"He looked like he was being beaten up. It was inside a building with unknown people." The adeptus responded.

"Venti being beat up?! Geez that's a cruel sight."

Yaksha nodded and took off his jacket as he felt that it was only making him more cold. He tied it around his waist and began to talk again.

"Ask her to call out my name." Yaksha commanded


Cherry sent a message to the girl again and few seconds later, he heard her.

"Adeptus Xiao."

He picked up Cherry by pulling her up with his one hand so she can also be teleported.

"Hey!! Put me dow-"

They finally arrived in a room that had accents of gold, brown and a few greenery.

"Oh! Taotao! And uhh.. you are .. ?"

"He's your soon-to-be-brother-in-law!! Now let me go!!" She replies then goes back to whining.

"Brother? You've never introduced me to your brother. Also he's soaking wet.."

"Yeah but that's because his introvert like his sister. It's annoying. And uhh Yaksha! you can go to my room and just steal some of my clothes if they can fit you."

He nods, drops Cherry and exists the room, he could hear mild chatter as he was walking away.

"You have a sister?! Gosh how many sibli.."

Though the golden eyed fellow never been to this house, he found his sister's closet and began scanning all the various clothes she owned.

Lucky he found a few things that fit him since Cherry had a tendency to buy huge clothes that could barely fit her. He headed back to the room —not getting lost surprisingly— and entered it.

"..rude.. Anyways! Yanyan, my brother here needs help finding his boyfriend but we don-"

"He's not my boyfriend. Only a member in a clan, we can't loose him." He shouted from afar.

Cherry looked back and only smiled; an evil one.

"That should be for the milelith to find. I'm just a simple lawyer."

"I don't think the police would trust us since our clan is kinda.. has an interesting reputation. Y'know?" 'TaoTao' sweated nervously

"Right but what can I eve-"

"All we know is that he has a history of joining other clans. Do you have any clients who were in a clan?" Yaksha questioned while walking back closer to the two ladies.

"I've had so many clients you don't even know! We'd have to call 1,293,471 but probably like 0.01% have passed so minus-"

"Let us just help you with it... No need to explain all the maths."

Yaksha wasn't a fan of maths or school itself. He'd always skip class or just stay silent; it was boring and always come home with a bruise or more.

"You guys got a phone?" The pink haired girl asked.

The yaksha shaked his head sideways.

"Then me and taotao will figure it out, also, my name is Yanfei! I'm the best lawyer in liyu-"

"I know, Cherry here told me all about you." Adeptus Xiao said slightly annoyed.

"Cherry?" Yanfei was confused, tilting her head a bit like a curious puppy.

"Hu tao." He answers.

"Its just my code name yanyan." She replies as she dials the numbers of the list of her clients.

"Ohhh makes sense." She thought, then does the same.

Time pass by, asking every client if they knew a person name Venti. The name soon began to be burned into Xiao's mind; as if it wasn't already ingraved into his head.

"C'mon, please know hi- Oh! Hello! I just came to ask if you knew a person named Venti."

The silence rises as everyone waited for Yanfei's reaction. And it revealed that they did know Venti. Hu tao got excited as for Yaksha, he had a beacon of hope. Though he was quite shocked, never thought anyone knew Venti. Yanfei has to keep her excitement in that she can finally stop ringing people and keep her composure.

"That's great! Could we meet up sometime soon? Maybe like tomorrow?" She asked.

"Wonderful! Thank you so much for coorporating. See you soon." She ends the call and stretches her arms.

"Finally!! This took forever." Cherry says exhausted.

"Mhm, so tomorrow at 2pm we all will meet up with Aether. He's one of my good clients."

"Where though?" Yaksha asked.

"Near the gates of Liyue. Seems he wants it to be quite private." Yanfei responded.

"Well thank you Yanyan!! You're the best~" Hu tao went to hug her beloved. Yanfei giggles and hugs back.

"Of course but I still need to help you out don't I."

"Mhm~ you still remember."

"I can't forget anything. It's my job as a lawyer."

Yaksha rolls his eyes, they were having their love moment and thought best to leave the two lovebirds alone. He walks out of the house and stare at the night sky.

"Don't worry Venti.. Ill save you soon."

A/N : boom two chapters a day B)) i finally wrote a long chapter and so i hope you enjoyed this chapter :DD yes i ship yantao,, yes hu tao and xiao are siblings. have a wonderful time and see you in the next 500 years <33

word count : 1154

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