Chapter 3 : Preparation.

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The clock strikes 7:38 pm. Venti is in the changing room, he skims through each outfit compartment, looking for his title or to be more specific, code name.

Venti spots his name and his attention departed to the outfit, he was both in shock and mesmerised by how magnificent the outfit looked. He gasps and immediately switches his outfit and felt so powerful in this fit, gaining some confidence in this quest as well.

He steps out of the dresser room to only discover Parlour fiddling with Yaksha's locks of hair who was very irritated meanwhile Parlour was bickering about how annoying it was to gather the files for Morax. Parlour's attention shortly switched to Bard's outfit and was captivated, like there were stars in her eyes. She rushes over to where Venti was standing to take a closer look.

"My, my, bard! You look absolutely stunning! Who knew you could pull off this type of costume." She praises Venti and he smiles in appreciation. Parlour's applause caught Yaksha's interest. His eyes laid on Bard's figure, lifting his eyebrows from shock but just shakes his head and journeys to a different opening and entered the undiscovered room.

"Wow! You actually made Yaksha show a different emotion other than being pissed."  The pigtail girl clapped for the braided-hair fellow as a congratulations.

"Oh? Does he not put a smile on his face?"
"I wish, but that would take a miracle!"

She exaggerates, rolling her eyes and sighing at the same time.

"Parlour, you already understand the suffering he has experienced. You can't blame him." Morax replies Parlour's comment, with a mixed of an angry and soft tone, practically scolding her.

"Yaksha has a harsh past?" Venti thought to himself,  finding it interesting and useful information. He just shrugs and sneaks away to the room where Yaksha wandered off to.

As soon as he enters, Venti was shoved to a corner. A mint green, raven, and white elements start to construct in front of him then Yaksha emerged in front of Venti, revolver in hand, aimed at Bard.

"Weak much," Yaksha murmurs under his breath and goes back to packing his weapons.

"What was that for?!" Venti exclamations in bitterness, stomping over to where Yaksha is to confront him. Before Yaksha responded, he gave another glare to Venti and then sighed.

"Are you that dumb, I used you for training myself and you. Besides, you'll be encountering that multiple times in you'd like to work here."

Venti has no idea of how to react but was still a little mad about it. He sighed, looked around and then realised, this was the supply room. Offering food, first aid kits, equipment etc. He completely forgot about what occurred and sprinted to the guns, rummaging for the ideal one for himself.

Venti starts gawking over the pistols, hovering his hand over each one of them.

"Waaah!! All these pistols are so nice!"

"Just select one already. I plan to arrive there early so we can analyze the most intel." Yaksha explains in an aggravated tone.

"Don't worry! I found the perfect pew pew!" Venti replies joyfully and snatches Korth Target. Yaksha glances over to see Bard's choice of pistol.

"Tch, a reasonable choice."

"What's your favourite weapon type?"

"I prefer close-up combat. Knifes, revolvers or fistfights are my skills. I can't tolerate far-combat, that's why I'm never a sniper." Yaksha responds while zipping his dark black duffel suitcase. Venti tugs his pistol in his pocket and hides it, skipping over to the Yaksha and placing his hands on his hip.

"What." The yellowed-eyed individual questions while looking both annoyed and confused.

"Are we not going to the casino?" Venti smirks at Yaksha but he just rolls his eyes and walked out of the room, Bard following behind.

"Yaksha!! Where are you going??" Bard chases after Yaksha, confused. But the other male just tchs and enters a different room, slamming the door behind them, leaving Venti to accidentally bump his head to the door. Parlour and the boss notice them both, walking after one and other. The ruby eyed girl just giggled at the sight while Morax just ignores it and continues organising the yellow stained shredded pieces of notes.

Venti opened the door widely and started to whine

"Yaksha!! You hit m-"

Venti got dragged again but he soon realised this was Yaksha's doing and saw him diving down into Venti with what seemed like a knife and he instantly ducked down, scurried behind Yaksha and was about to pin him but Yaksha did a backflip, almost kicking Bard in the face, spinning and then landing on the knife which was stuck on the wall, facing Venti. He jumped, pulled out the knife and plunged down. When Yaksha reached the surface, Venti felt like something was poking out of the floor.

"Acceptable reaction," Yaksha commented while standing up.

"So this is the training room!" Venti says impressed, hands on his waist and eyes scanning the area. There were ruined dummies, a dartboard with bullet holes, wallpaper ripped, and knock-over-human-shaped-cut-off cardboards.

"Yeah." The dark turquoise hair lad replies in a monotone voice and tossed the knife to the dartboard, almost harming Venti in the process and landing the knife not-so perfectly and was pretty far compared to Parlour's aim.

"Fuck..." He mumbles to himself, looking away from the dartboard from shame.

"Next time you'll hit the target!" Venti says in an attempt trying to brighten the mood. Yaksha scoffs from the response but slightly appreciated it, but hides the fact that he does. He strolls off to where the backpack has located, pulls out his revolver and starts shooting the dummies and sprinting at the same time. He got all the bullets through.

"Show your abilities and train them." Yaksha said and Bard goes to grab his pistol, begins to fire at the figures from afar. After every bullet was shot he would try to imagine dodging a punch, stab, arrow etc. The last projectile that Venti shot, he spun as well and got it through the dummy.

"..Nice aim." Yaksha complimented Bard and Venti's sight shifted to Yaksha's face. His expression was shocked but happy from the validation he received from the yellow-eyed man. Venti smiled and hugged Yaksha which made him flustered and he looked uncomfortable and tried to get Bard off but enjoyed how he wrapped his arms around him, his warm body temperature, and his softness.

"Get off me.." Yaksha grumbles to Bard and did what he wished.

"Right! My apologies." Venti stumbled off of Yaksha, having his cheeks turn a tint of light pink.

"Now then, Shall we head off?"

A/N : this took so long for no reason. ANYWAYS  i realised i was spelling parlour wrong but dw is fixed,, this chapter was also for venti to get closer to "Yaksha" now you better have enjoyed this story or else i'll be angy >:( anyways I need to sleep so gn y'all~!

word count : 1177

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