Chapter 15 : Search ( 2 )

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The leader had revealed Winddust's name to be able to help out with searching for where he wandered off to.

"It definitely is him." He muttered, feeling surprise and receiving déjà vu from his childhood.

"I like that name!! He's lucky to be named that." Cherry complimented but no one was there to appreciate it or show gratitude towards her. The boss assented with a nod then went his own way.

Both Cherry and Yaksha came to the idea exited the building to start searching for information on, Venti.

"Guess you're going to be stuck with me for a while! How lovely!" Cherry smirked, seemed like she had a mischievous plan up her sleeve which kept the yaksha more alert.

"Lets just get over with it."

"Alright!~ We can go meet my beloved future wife."

"I feel bad for her."

"Oh c'mon! I'm not that bad!!"

Few moments of walking, Cherry soon spoke again.

"Actually I know an easier way instead of walking there!"

The pigtailed hair girl pulled out her phone and start to quickly typing and stopped, the tapping was quite loud and aggressive but it was a usual thing that she would do.

"Done!~" Immediately followed was a notification. She quickly turned on her phone and began to reply.

"This is one of reasons I love her!" Cherry being proud of picking the right person to love. Yaksha only rolled his eyes and watched her text.

"Alright you should hear someone call out your name right about now!"

"Adeptus Xiao ?"
"A-Adeptus Xia..o"

"What the fuck.."

He was called out but it repeated. They were completely different tones and voices; one sounding confused and unfamiliar but the other.. it reminded him of one thing. Venti.

"What's the matter Yaks-"


"Wait you can't go! What if-"

Before Cherry could complete her sentence he cut her off and disappeared. She become annoyed but also worried, looking around her surroundings then began sprinting to find him.

"God you're too inlove with him!!"

The adeptus opened his eyes to see the one he wanted to find and play lots of melodies for him was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall, ragged clothing, horrified. What makes matters worse was seeing him in tears; it was the first to see such a sight.

A strange, flaming anger was built up in Yaksha's heart, he dare not to leave Winddust in such a terrible state and just as he was about to grab Venti, his legs become frozen; more like his legs became stuck in ice. It was so sudden, and out of no where, two buff men grabbed his arms; holding him back to being able to get any closer to Venti.

"Look at what the cat dragged in."

Adeptus Xiao looked up to see a tall woman in heels, curly white hair with a heavy accent, behind her was a few other people. A guy with an interesting big hat, along with short, dull dark purple hair with bangs. Rest he could not distinguish. The white haired lady bent down to meet yaksha's golden flaming eyes.

"Guests aren't allowed in here."

Yaksha knew what was about to happen but before that he yelled the bard's name as if it was a natural response.


A/N : ended it w/ a horrible cliff hanger :D this is literally the same exact scene of venti and.. no sneak peaks for you :) tho you might've probably already guessed who it was. ikik it hasn't been a week but would've you like to wait for 4 more days ? yeah i don't think so <3 but look forward for the next few chapters !! ( there's going to be a lot of parts to Search so.. have fun ) byebye my lovelies <33

word count : 632

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