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wow double update o_o

happy reading

Just as I began to drift off slightly, an alarm sounded, filling my ears with sharp ringing.

Mars and Oscar both jolted awake, looking around blearily. I stumbled out of my warm bed, heading towards the door.

"What the fuck is happening?" Oscar grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

Before I could open the door myself, it burst open and Raven came in quickly. I was surprised to see Erin and Aki run in behind her.

Erin gripped my arm tightly.

"What's happening?" Mars asked as Aki ran to her.

"We have to evacuate." Erin said sternly. "The infection, it spread widely overnight, people are being attacked." He added, pulling me out the door, pausing and letting me grab my cow before we continued. His wolf was in his hand.

"There's hundreds of vans for evacuation procedure, we'll all group up and find a van, we're driving to New York." Raven informed.

There were teens and adults running through the entire building, arms linked, hands held. They all shoved through the hub door.

I held onto Erin tightly as he wound through the people and out the door.

Swarms of people were streaming through the streets, some hopping into random cars, others on foot and running to the city gates. I could hear the groans and shrieks of zombies trapped inside the city walls.

"Where's Elias and Alex?" I asked Erin as he pulled me down the street. I looked back to make sure Mars, Aki, Oscar, and Raven were still following us.

"Elias is at the vans, helping people in, Alex is with him. I came to get you to a van, and all your little friends." He shouted over the noise.

He pulled me into a run, hand holding mine tightly.

I gasped as we passed people being mauled by zombies, almost tripping Erin as I leaned towards him for comfort. I wanted to cry, wanted to help the people, but it was too late.

As soon as they injured you, their infected skin touching your open wounds, you were done for.

I turned away, teary eyed. I was scared.

We ran through, elbows shoving into my side, hand sweaty in Erin's. The sky was still dark, moon bright and high. It was 3 am.

The city gates were wide open, shrieks from outside zombies weren't as far into the distance as I'd hoped they would be.

I got stuck against the shoving people, all of us trying to slide through at once. I was pressed against Erin and at that moment I just wanted to cry.

I was scared, and hurting, and I just wanted to go back to the boys' room and lay in their arms. Kissing until the sky grew dark. I wanted to sleep, which I'd found came easily to me when I was with them.

When we were finally able to slip through, everyone sprinting to a black van, all spread out and guarded. They were filling quickly, people standing outside and killing any zombie coming their way.

Then the worst thing I could imagine happened.

My hand slipped from Erin's.

I turn frantically, as the crowd pushes me in one direction and Erin in another.

I let the tears pool into my eyes, blurring his panicked face until it cleared as I blinked them away. I screamed, a real terrified scream.

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