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When evening time rolled around Raven came to pick us up from our room and we walked out to a back door I had never seen.

It led to a huge open field that I swear went on for a mile. there were a bunch of weird equipment things spread across the field and there were hoops and blocks on a pole sticking up high into the air which I assumed were for the race.

Raven walked us through the huge crowd to the other side of the weird benches everyone was sitting on. Over here it was less crowded and we were standing right by the other steps to get on the seating platform.

There were small benches where a group was sitting before us, right down the stairs. they had huge wings coming out of their backs. I had seen them once before when I first arrived.

They were all chatting and I noticed Alex standing with the group silently as well. His wings weren't out.

Aki then found us with a guy my height. He smiled at us.

"Hey guys! I hope you don't mind my friend Jason tagged along!" She said nervously.

"Nope as long as he doesn't interrupt our date." Mars joked. Aki blushed and shook her head, looking down.

"Um...want to get snacks?" Aki asked quietly. Mars smiled and nodded, grabbing her arm and pulling her away.

"Hi Jason, I'm Raven this is Oscar and Leo." Raven introduced us.

"Hey, sorry to intrude but I only really know Aki and I didn't want to be alone." He said kindly. I waved my hand.

"It's fine, we don't mind!" I said.

"The race is about to start guys, you ready?" Raven said excitedly.

I noticed the big group sitting before was now gone, and most of them were now in the air in a starting position.

A loud horn sounded 3 times shortly and then once longer and suddenly the winged people were off.

Their large white wings moved them quickly through the air, people nudging to get ahead.

The person in front was a girl with short hair, she smirked smugly as she swerved through hoops and around boxes.

Another girl was close behind her, hair tied in a ponytail as she sipped through, practically touching the girl in front.

It was close so far and they began to get farther away. The field was big and for a race like this I assumed they would go pretty far out before the end.

I moved close to the stairs on the side of the platform away from the others as I watched, trying to see the flyers so far away.

When I couldn't see any longer I leaned against the railing with a sigh.

Looking down to the bench everyone was at before I saw Alex sitting alone doing something, this time his wings were out.

I couldn't help but stare.

They were huge, and all white with little gray bits. I could see the feathers clearly now, they moved in the slight breeze.

It was dark now, lights from the field making it possible to see.

I wanted to see the wings up close, I was so curious.

How did they work? Did they hurt to come out?

"You know it's rude to stare." Erin's voice suddenly said beside me.

I spun around quickly.

He was standing at the bottom of the stairs watching me with a smirk. A drink in his hand.

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