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WARNING: scars (not sh)


I have two powers.

Isn't that rare?

"I can't tell you what this one is-" Isaac pointed to the yellow cluster, "-but this one is called psychic navigation." He pointed to the blue cluster.

"What does it do?" I asked. Isaac moved to grab a piece of paper and three pens.

"Well to easily describe it, it's the ability to navigate a person or object with your mind. You can also make mental maps of a place. There are a few kids here with that ability already." He explained.

"When will I know I've gotten both powers? Like how?" I ask him.

"It'll come to you soon enough, it's already begun forming in your brain which explains the pain earlier. How to know, well I can't say for the other one but when people ask you where something is or someone, eventually you will find them in your mind." He explained.

I didn't say anything after that.

"Would you mind if we took your blood pressure? I want to see if your second power possibly affects you elsewhere. You never know." Isaac asked me.

I nodded.

"Elias take care of that while I copy down his brain energy." Isaac said.

My eyes widened a bit and my cheeks burned.

Was he going to touch me? Would he speak to me?

I sat quietly as Elias grabbed a long wire strip with a long patch one one end and a round thing of rubber on the other end.

His skeleton hands softly touched mine as he took off the finger clip.

They were burning. I shivered at the warmth, hoping he wouldn't notice.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach as he reached up to my head. He brushed my curls out of the way before peeling off the patches on my temple, brushing my cheek slightly as he brought his hands down.

I swear my face was on fire.

My breathing was shaky and from what? From a guy barely touching me? Pathetic.

Elias brought up the strange new wire and I swallowed nervously.

"Will it hurt?" I breathed, almost worried he didn't hear me.

"No." He said simply.

He talked to me.

I could feel his heat through my shirt as he rolled up my sleeve. I heard Isaac gasp as he saw the tiny scars on my arm.

They weren't big, and some were healing but there was still a noticeable amount of scars clustered around my upper arm from the amount of needles and machinery stuck to me on testing day.

"Do you mind me asking where those are from Leo?" Isaac asked me hesitantly. Elias didn't move to use the new wire just yet.

"Testing." I said quietly, grimacing at the memories. "Didn't other kids do it?" I asked him. Isaac shrugged.

"Kids were tested, sure, but they were from different places and had different ways of doing things." He explained, watching me. "What was your testing like?"

"Bad." I mumbled. Isaac pursed his lips, probably wanting more but not pushing me.

I sucked in a breath.

"They made us sleep. And then they would make us play mind games." I started. Both of them were silent as I spoke.

"It was always scary experiences, forcing us to face fears, or do something life threatening. Or they would just put us in a torture chamber for hours and watch us scream." I continued.

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