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I'm sorry some of the paragraphs are super long, it's different on docs so like it's longer here idk my bad guys

"Rise and shine sleepy heads! Big day today!" Ravens voice called. I groaned and buried my head into my pillow, head pounding. I heard similar groans from Mars and Oscar. I had just been about to fall asleep for the second night in a row.

The night on the balcony was two days ago, and yesterday was quite uneventful. Isaac called us newbies to meet and discuss how school and training will work. He asked if anyone had begun experiencing powers yet and pulled those kids, including Oscar, away to discuss. After that he let us go back to our rooms to rest.

Today was shopping day. It was also city tour day. All newbies will be put in small groups with someone who's been here a while to go get a feel of the new city as well as gather needed books for school. I had questioned why we needed to do school work, they said it was just to educate us on basic things. How to make food, words we may not know, objects we may not know, any basic knowledge we were deprived of learning about while in the lab. They told us other school subjects put lots of unnecessary stress on people and decided instead of having it be required, you would be allowed an introduction to certain things before deciding if it was something you wanted to learn. If, in the future, you found interest in a certain subject you wanted to work in, you would take the needed courses for that job.

It didn't sound so bad to me.

This leads us to the reason Raven has just arrived in our room screaming for us to get up.

"Don't groan at me! Sleep any later than this and you'd be late, so you're welcome." She snickered, coming over and ripping the sheets off my bed before moving to the others.

"Are you leading any of our groups Raven?" Mars asked as she scarfed down some eggs.

"Unfortunately no, I've been here for a year only and they want people who have been here longer to take you guys around. Probably seeing as they know the city better. However I am allowed to join one of you guys, I have to get some supplies for a project anyways." Raven said, eyeing Oscar.

She's totally into him.

"Who?" Both Raven and Oscar asked, Raven more panicked and Oscar with pure curiosity.

"Forgot you could read minds." I mumbled nervously. "Isn't there a way to tune people out?" I added on.

"That's one of the things you learn in training, I haven't mastered it though." Raven explained.

Everything clicked into my brain at once.

"Wait...does that mean you can hear me thinking abo-"

"Yes." Raven and Oscar both cut me off. My face was burning.

"Don't worry your ass off short stuff, I won't tell. But there is only so many times I can bare hearing about how beautiful you find these guys." Oscar grumbled. My face was so hot I swear it started sizzling. Raven hummed in agreement.

"Moving on. Let's start finishing up, you guys need to get in your groups and get ready to leave now." Raven said.

We picked up our dishes and brought them to the trash, scraping the last bits of food off before placing it into a bin for someone to wash later. We then headed down to the common room where a small amount of people were waiting for groups.

When Isaac saw us he walked over, clipboard in hand.

"Leo...Mars...Oscar..." he mumbled as he flipped through his papers, a pen wedged in between two fingers.

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