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After my morning homeroom class at 9, I had about half an hour to grab a snack before training.

Although I got distracted when Aki started showing me a new trick with her ice powers and didn't even eat.

When I realized it was 10:58 I grabbed a muffin and practically ran out of the cafeteria. I couldn't be late on my first day of training, especially with Elias.

I ran around the third floor for about 7 minutes until I found room 214 and when I did I bolted inside and slammed the door behind me.

Elias was hunched over the desk to the side of the gym and he looked up at the sound of the door and stared at me with his eyebrow raised slightly.

I probably looked like an idiot standing there, bag falling off my shoulder, panting and holding a random muffin.

I looked down at it and saw it crushed in my hands, probably squeezed subconsciously when running around. I pouted slightly.

"You're late." Elias stated. I couldn't tell if he was angry or just saying it for an explanation.

I slipped the bag off my shoulder, dropping it messily to the ground before I walked up to the wooden desk he was leaning against.

"I'm sorry! I wanted to get a snack before I came here but then I got distracted by my friend who was really excited to show me something and then I realized I had 2 minutes to get here so I grabbed the first thing I saw and came as fast as I could and then I couldn't find the room and then I did and I'm here now and now my muffin is crushed." I gasped.

I get distracted easily, that's not exactly something I can control.

Elias just stared at me for a moment before he straightened his back and placed a cup down on the ground a few feet away. Then came over and grabbed my arm, pulling me over to the desk.

He grabbed a tissue and placed it on the desk, taking my hand and urging me to place the broken muffin on it.

Then he pulled me back to where I was standing before and placed a hand on my back.

"If you can lift that cup into the air, I'll ignore you being late and give you 10 minutes of our time to let you eat your crumbly muffin. Sound good?" He pointed to the cup on the floor, his thumb swiping against my back.

"Okay. Okay I can try that." I nodded my head. "But what if I can't do it?" I winced.

His hand was warm against me.

"Just try tesoro." He said softly.

I raised my hand, focusing my palm towards the cup. I thought about how to move it before, putting all my energy into my hand.

Up. Up. Up. Go up.

The cup wiggled, moving back and forth a little.

No, no, go up!

The cup didn't rise at all, just flopped around like a fish.

I dropped my hand, the cup went still.

"I can't do it." I said, frustrated. Elias took my hand in his, forcing my palm to face the cup again.

"You can, keep trying. Just stay focused on what your intentions are, you'll get it eventually." He told me.

Focus, focus. I made the cup wiggle and flop around some more.

Go up.

I curled my fingers, twisting my hand sideways a bit and raising it higher. The cup popped up a little. I almost got it.

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