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A/N idk why this chapter is short but I apologize

I can't remember the last time i've seen the sky so colorful. A mush of pink and purple, the horizon glowing.

My back was aching, so was my leg. I've been sitting in the van for hours, the old city long behind us.

I keep my eyes on the colorful sky, as much of it I can see with the dark tinted windows. I wonder if the sky changes color often, i thought it was only ever gray or blue, not bright, beautiful colors like this.

I heard shifting to my left, Isaac's eyes blinking open steadily. I looked away quickly, not wanting to be caught watching him as he woke up. I had always found it awkward when people woke up for some unknown reason. Instead i turned my eyes back to the morning sky, letting my mind wander.

"Do you enjoy watching sunrises? Since you have trouble sleeping?" Isaac mumbled to me. I turned to him again, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Sunrises? Is that what people call this?

"I don't think i've seen one before." I mumbled. Isaac's eyes widened a little bit and he pursed his lips.

"Right. Forgot you haven't been outside in a while." He chuckled, but he didn't seem like he found it very funny. "Happens every morning when the sun rises, usually at early hours of the day. It also happens in the late evening when the sun sets." Isaac explained. I smiled knowing i could see this again.

Isaac didn't say anything else, we simply sat there watching the sun slowly rise until everyone was awake. Mars shifted beside me, also uncomfortable against the hard wall of the van.

"About an hour left until we reach the new city." Isaac spoke up, everyone's conversations quieting down to listen. "When we arrive it will be a bit chaotic, we need to get all of you inside the walls quickly in order to keep you away from the demise." i sucked in a quick breath.

I had heard screeches and wails from far off into the distance during the late hours of the night while everyone was sleeping. I couldn't tell, at the time, if i was imagining it. However now I feel I may have been hearing them for real.

And that frightened me.

"We have a building, where people can go if they need a place to stay, extra supplies, city meetings, that is where we will take you. Once you all get back on your feet you will find a place elsewhere in the city to stay, find a place to work, and anything else. It will probably be a while before that happens." Isaac explains. "It is important that when we arrive you listen to instructions very very carefully. We are here to keep you safe, and anyone going against the rules and against our direction will end up with serious-"

Serious consequences yeah yeah.

I've heard that one too many times.

I zoned out Isaac's words, I probably should be listening but a painful headache has suddenly appeared. I press my fingers to my temple to try and soothe the pain. Mars gives me a worried look but doesn't say anything and goes back to listening.

I figure I just need some sleep, hopefully I can get some of those pills Isaac talked about.

The van hit another bump and we all jostled, my stomach feeling queasy as the road got rough. I tried not to elbow Mars as we moved around, and I could tell Mars was trying not to elbow me.

I could faintly hear shouting in the distance but all I could see out the dim windows were empty and broken buildings. Seemingly abandoned.

"Leo, we're here." Mars whispered to me, her big eyes wide with an emotion I couldn't decipher.

"How do you know?" I asked, we hadn't stopped yet. She nodded towards the window and then to Isaac who was crouching by the front seats whispering to the driver.

"There's yelling from outside, we have to be at the new city." She said. Just as she spoke the van came to a harsh stop, everyone lurching sideways. I grabbed onto the wall to stop myself from falling over.

Isaac quickly slid the van door open and jumped out, closing the van up once again as soon as he was outside. For a split second i felt a rush of air from the outside hit my face, it wasn't warm but it wasn't cold either. We sat for another 5 minutes listening to the faint voices outside.

"They gonna let us out?" A kid who sat across from Mars and I asked. The batch of us looked at him and then at each other. I shrugged.

A few moments later we heard screaming, not just people shouting orders but rather high pitched screeches of terror.

At first I was simply confused, until I heard the familiar wails and groans that I had heard in the middle of the night.

Except this time much closer.

"Demise." I hadn't even realized the word had slipped past my lips until I heard Mars gasp.

"So they're real?" The boy across from me had asked in disbelief. A body slammed into the side of the van and everyone lurched.

"Of course they're real fuckwad, you think they make this shit up?" The girl next to him grumbled. The boy pursed his lips and shrugged.

All of a sudden the van door opened and a man stood there. He had a bandana wrapped around his nose and mouth and an armored vest with A.T.U printed on it in white paint. He held a weird looking gun at his side, a glowing orb at the end.

He waved his arm quickly.

"Lets go! Lets go! We gotta get you guys ins-" He began to say, but his words were cut off as a body slammed into him. It happened so quickly and suddenly my jaw was hanging open in shock.

All we could see was a tattered up body, dripping black liquid, hunched over the man and clawing into his skin. The man below him was screaming, I could see blood all along his arms.

I was practically frozen just watching the scene until the man's screams died out and the beast on top of him slowly stepped away. I quickly moved my eyes away from the mauled up body and instead looked at the demise in front me.

Flashbacks to my horred memory appeared as I took in the wretched being before me. It looked exactly how I remembered, tattered clothes, gray fleshy skin, black veins bursting along its arms.

It took me a moment before I realized it was staring right back at me. It made a chuckling noise as it tilted its head, black spit bubbling out of its mouth.

Other teens in the van were screaming, I was faintly aware of Mars' nails digging into my arm. I tried to scurry backwards as it stepped forward but I hit the back wall of the van. I wanted to check and see if I was leaning against another door but I was afraid that if i turned my back the creature would lunge for me.

Instead I stayed staring at the demise.

I'm going to die.

I felt tears slip out of my eyes, hot tracks streaming down my cheeks. I gripped onto Mars as the demise hurled its body towards me, I waited for the impact...

But it never came.

A large hand sprung out from the side of the van, plunging a knife into the side of the demise's head. Its dark black blood spilling out as it groaned loudly. The hand had a tattoo on it but it was moving too fast to tell what it was. It moved up and down, stabbing the monster over and over as it fell to the ground, twisting the knife until it stopped moving.

Then the man stepped out slowly and my eyes widened at the view. A serious gaze on his face.

"Welcome to the new city."

enjoy <3

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