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let's pretend morning breath doesn't exist for this chapter ok? ok

When I woke up, it felt like a bunch of knives were stabbing my brain all at once. I pressed my hand to my temple and snuggled into the warm pillow.

Not a pillow.

Elias was under me and his arms were curled around my body. His hand brushed lightly up and down my spine.

All the memories from last night flooded my brain and I huffed in embarrassment.

"Morning tesoro." Elias' scratchy and deep morning voice came from above me. I almost whimpered. I pulled his body even closer to me as I continued to snuggle him.

I lifted my head just barely to see behind me. Alex was sitting up, eating some toast at the foot of the bed. Erin was behind me on his stomach, arms crossed under his head. His muscled back full of tattoos almost made me drool.

"What is drunk?" I asked, recalling the term from last night, my throat was dry.

"When you drink alcohol. Too much of it can affect your body and mind and make you feel funny and think funny things. Hard to explain in terms you'll understand." Erin said from behind me.

His leg was pressed against mine.

I felt Alex stand from the bed, hearing his feet shuffle around before his lips pressed lightly to the side of my neck.

It was only for a second but it was enough to make my entire body shiver. Elias chuckled and I smiled a bit at the sound.

"It's lunch time, should I make something or are we going out in a bit? Leo, are you sticking around?" Alex asked as he moved to the doorway.

My body tensed a little. Would they make me leave? I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

The sweatpants I'd borrowed had slipped down in the night and were now tangled around my legs. I kicked them off, settling for just my boxer briefs and big jumper.

"You can stay darling." Elias quietly said against my hair. I nodded at him, cheeks feeling hot. "Words babe." He added.

"I want to stay." I whispered. Elias' hand brushed against my spine again, leaving a burning trail with every movement.

Alex hummed. "I'll make some drinks and in a bit we can go out. Sound good?" He asked.

"Can we go to that eating place? The portillos one?" My voice still felt a bit scratchy but was getting better.

"Sure baby." Alex said. I heard him open the door slightly, heading down the hall to the kitchen.

I sat up before I could fall back asleep. I didn't want to be away from Elias however so I swung my leg over his lap and straddled him.

At this point I figured if they hated what I was doing they would stop me or say something about it.

I brushed my bed head back from my eyes, yawning as I did so. Elias moved his warm hands to my upper thighs. I tried to ignore them and the weird feeling it gave me.

I traced a finger over his tattoo, the flames were cool to look at.

"I've never seen you teleport. Why don't you do it that much?" I asked. I could feel Elias' heart beating really fast as my hand pressed against his chest.

"Don't need to. It takes some energy, I only use it for training or fighting if I need." He shakily said.

Suddenly I felt it.

The urge to kiss Elias.

But we weren't dating? So why did I want his lips to go on mine?

I frowned at his lips, and even more when his tongue briefly poked out to wet them. It made me want him even more.

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