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I couldn't sleep. Of course. I laid awake in the foreign building. the bed here was much more comfortable than the one back at the lab, and the bathroom actually looked like a bathroom!

there were 4 beds, being the maximum amount of roommates you could have, they all had huge fluffy white sheets and a million pillows. the bathroom was in the far left corner of the room, and a walk in closet on the near right side corner. it was much nicer than my old room.

Oscar and Mars were snoring and it was bothering me.

I hate snoring.

ironic since I snore as well. for some reason it makes me want to rip my ears off.

I sighed and slipped off the warm bed, I was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants they had given us to wear for bedtime. I put on my new shoes, called converse. fancy name.

they hadn't told us anything about needing to stay in our rooms so I should be fine to walk around as long as I'm quiet and stay away from off limit places.

quietly I slipped out of the room, shutting it slowly behind me. it was eery at night. the only source of light in the hallways were small light things at the bottom of the walls all along the hallway.

I tried to remember all the places Raven showed us and considered where I wanted to sneak off to. none of them sounded appealing, and I was sure many rooms were off limits at this time of night.

I decided on just wandering until I found a place to sit or something.

I wondered what time it was. I have faint memory of being able to tell the time but the lab never had clocks and there were no windows for the most part so I pretty much forgot. I resulted in telling time by when I got hungry (which isn't reliable) and if it were light or dark outside.

I stumbled down another hallway as quietly as I could, noticing a clear door at the end of it. it looked like a little balcony looking out over the city.

that can't be off limits, it's only a balcony.

I hesitated for a moment before I stepped over to the doorway. I pressed my hands all over it looking for a way to open the door. there was a tiny cracked opening so I snuck my fingers in and pulled it open that way.

I was hit with a cool breeze of fresh air, it was nice.

as I walked out I jumped. a man was leaning on the rails. he heard me and turned around, meeting my eyes.

why is everyone here so hot?

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know there'd be someone here. I can go..." I gestured back to the opening. the man's face remained emotionless but his eyes held some undetermined emotion. he gestured his hand as if to say I could stay.

i walked over to where he was standing and leaned on the railing. the boy had straight dark hair, short and neat. he wore a leather jacket, black jeans on and a black t-shirt underneath the jacket. there was a small black line around his sharp eyes and two studs in his earlobes. a couple rings on his fingers. he was attractive, so so attractive.

I took a deep breath before mentally groaning.

my headache was back.

I pressed my fingers to my temple, willing the pain to go away. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't dare look at the man next to me.

"you okay?" he asked me. his voice was smooth.

I looked at him surprised. he was staring at me, face blank.

"um... yeah, yeah I'm okay. just a bad headache." I answered shakily. his eyes squint for a moment but he doesn't say anything. 

I clear my throat awkwardly.

"U-m, I'm Leo." I smile shyly. The boy beside me was intimidatingly handsome and it was making me nervous.

The male glanced, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I'm um, new here? I showed up earlier today. It's kind of exciting actually! Scary but exciting. It's kind of nice here..." I began to ramble. "Oh! Did you know they have cookies here? The cafeteria women cut them up into little shapes to make them more fun..." I cut myself off.

Who the hell wants to hear about the fun cookies you ate during food time? No one, that's who.

Clearly I need to work on my conversation skills.

I cleared my throat again, I could feel the heat burning my cheeks, embarrassed about my rambling. I turned the other direction slightly to hide my red face.


My eyes widened for a moment and I turned back to the man. He was looking out at the city still. His face hadn't changed except for the small quirk of his lips and a glint in his eye. As if he felt me watching him, he turned and his eyes met mine.

The third boyfriend. Why are all of them so hot?

"My name is Alex." He said softly. Just as I gave him a soft smile I heard a soft chuckle from behind me. Alex raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the door, and I turned around quickly, nervous to be caught out at night.

Erin stood leaning against the wall, a small smirk played on his lips.

"Alex." He said softly, an almost playful tone. Alex hummed. "We have to be up early tomorrow, you know that." Erin added, voice still playful. I stood there awkwardly, looking between the both of them.

Alex hummed again. Erin pursed his lips at that and suddenly his gaze moved to me. I looked away quickly. I heard footsteps slowly walk over and I reluctantly looked up. Erin was still looking at me but he was moving towards Alex.

He paused just next to his boyfriend, his blank gaze moving away from me and over to Alex, wrapping a tattooed arm around his shoulders. Erin bent down and whispered something into Alex's ear.

Alex's face softened so briefly I thought I imagined it.

He stood up straight, Erin's arm still around him as he glanced at me before they both walked back towards the door, probably heading in for the night.

"Goodnight Leo~" Erin called back playfully, back facing me as he and Alex disappeared through the glass door and down the hallway.

I let out a breath and slumped against the balcony, trying to calm down the butterflies in my stomach. Trying to process everything from:

He knows my name.


His voice when he said goodnight.

These men will be the death of me.

The cool air of the night made me shiver so I decided it'd be a good time to head back to the room. Slipping back through the glass doors and retracing my steps through the dark hallways. When I got back to the room I quietly slipped back in, making no noise. I kicked off my shoes and slipped under the fluffy blankets, cocooning myself as I buried my face into the soft pillows.

And finally, after many sleepless nights...

As I was relishing in the warmth of my bed...

I slipped out of consciousness.

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